2010-10-03, 07:55 AM
Zero-byte recordings are at 2010-09-29 20:00, 2010-09-29 21:00 and 2010-10-01 21:00. A few snippits of interest (full logs attached):
GB-PVR was use to watch LiveTV in between and sometimes during these failed recordings.
Can anyone tell me why they failed (the logs have errors but I don't understand all the messages) and will moving to NPVR fix it?
2010-09-29 19:56:00.127 ERROR [5] Unexpected error checking tuning on back-to-back multirecords
2010-09-29 19:56:00.128 INFO [5] Found new programme requiring recording: Waterloo Road (650)
2010-09-29 19:56:00.131 VERBOSE [5] Changing to channel (GBPVR.Backend.Common.NullTunerController): 1
2010-09-29 19:56:00.146 VERBOSE [5] Requesting IRecordingSource to start recording: D:\Recordings\Waterloo Road\Waterloo Road_20100929_20002100.mpg
2010-09-29 19:56:00.146 VERBOSE [5] start recording @1
2010-09-29 19:56:00.152 VERBOSE [5] start recording @2
2010-09-29 19:56:00.172 VERBOSE [5] BDARecordingSource about to start recording oid:1 channel:T:C34,578166,0,0,8~NID:12303~ONID:9018~TSID:4099~P:4163~V:600~A:601~L:eng~PMT:4163~LCN:1~PCR:600~N:>BBC ONE file:D:\Recordings\Waterloo Road\Waterloo Road_20100929_20002100.mpg
2010-09-29 19:56:01.477 VERBOSE [5] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/BDASubmitTuningRequestTwiceOnRecord
2010-09-29 19:56:01.477 VERBOSE [5] getValue: /settings/BDASubmitTuningRequestTwiceOnRecord : true
2010-09-29 19:56:02.506 VERBOSE [5] start recording @3
2010-09-29 19:56:02.506 VERBOSE [5] start recording @4
2010-09-29 19:56:02.507 VERBOSE [5] Programme is now recording
2010-09-29 19:56:02.521 VERBOSE [5] RecordingFactory.save()
2010-09-29 19:56:02.619 VERBOSE [5] Save(): Updated existing scheduled recording
2010-09-29 19:56:02.622 VERBOSE [5] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/ProcessCommercialsDuringRecording
2010-09-29 19:56:02.622 VERBOSE [5] getValue: /settings/ProcessCommercialsDuringRecording : false
2010-09-29 19:56:02.625 VERBOSE [5] Adding D:\Recordings\Waterloo Road\Waterloo Road_20100929_20002100.ts to parallel processing queue
2010-09-29 19:56:02.625 VERBOSE [5] RecordingFactory.getExtrasForGroup(52)
2010-09-29 19:56:02.632 VERBOSE [3] getValue() loading new key/value into cache: /settings/CommercialDetectionScheme
2010-09-29 19:56:02.632 VERBOSE [3] getValue: /settings/CommercialDetectionScheme : 0
2010-09-29 19:56:02.632 INFO [3] Parallel Processing thread starting...
2010-09-29 19:56:10.576 VERBOSE [7] RenewLease 2
2010-09-29 19:56:10.576 VERBOSE [7] forcing refresh of next 2 hour events for all capture sources
2010-09-29 19:56:10.579 VERBOSE [7] Checking for other recordings using device: DEVICE:Hauppauge Nova-T (90002):2
2010-09-29 19:56:10.579 VERBOSE [7] RenewLease finished (accepted - preview mode)
2010-09-29 19:56:25.241 INFO [5] Recording is unusually small. Giving second chance: D:\Recordings\Waterloo Road\Waterloo Road_20100929_20002100.ts (0)
2010-09-29 19:56:25.241 VERBOSE [5] Trying to relock signal
2010-09-29 21:00:00.676 ERROR [5] Unexpected error checking tuning on back-to-back multirecords
2010-09-29 21:00:00.676 INFO [5] Found new programme requiring recording: Ugly Betty (651)
2010-09-29 21:00:00.676 VERBOSE [5] Changing to channel (GBPVR.Backend.Common.NullTunerController): 28
2010-09-29 21:00:00.676 VERBOSE [5] Requesting IRecordingSource to start recording: D:\Recordings\Ugly Betty\Ugly Betty_20100929_21002200.mpg
2010-09-29 21:00:00.676 VERBOSE [5] start recording @1
2010-09-29 21:00:00.676 VERBOSE [5] start recording @2
2010-09-29 21:00:00.676 VERBOSE [5] BDARecordingSource about to start recording oid:1 channel:T:C32,562166,0,0,8~NID:12303~ONID:9018~TSID:8206~P:8448~V:570~A:571~L:eng~PMT:304~LCN:28~PCR:2307~N:>E4 file:D:\Recordings\Ugly Betty\Ugly Betty_20100929_21002200.mpg
2010-09-29 21:00:01.990 VERBOSE [5] getValue cached value: /settings/BDASubmitTuningRequestTwiceOnRecord : true
2010-09-29 21:00:03.040 VERBOSE [5] start recording @3
2010-09-29 21:00:03.040 VERBOSE [5] start recording @4
2010-09-29 21:00:03.040 VERBOSE [5] Programme is now recording
2010-09-29 21:00:03.040 VERBOSE [5] RecordingFactory.save()
2010-09-29 21:00:03.160 VERBOSE [5] Save(): Updated existing scheduled recording
2010-09-29 21:00:03.160 VERBOSE [5] Adding D:\Recordings\Ugly Betty\Ugly Betty_20100929_21002200.ts to parallel processing queue
2010-09-29 21:00:03.160 VERBOSE [5] RecordingFactory.getExtrasForGroup(50)
2010-09-29 21:00:12.710 VERBOSE [13] Conversion thread configured for ASAP
2010-09-29 21:00:25.760 INFO [5] Recording is unusually small. Giving second chance: D:\Recordings\Ugly Betty\Ugly Betty_20100929_21002200.ts (0)
2010-09-29 21:00:25.760 VERBOSE [5] Trying to relock signal
GB-PVR was use to watch LiveTV in between and sometimes during these failed recordings.
Can anyone tell me why they failed (the logs have errors but I don't understand all the messages) and will moving to NPVR fix it?
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