I just found this in the event viewer :
"The NPVR Recording Service service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the path specified."
Doesn't really tell us anything new...but just thought I'd post it anyway.
When it says "specified path" - what does that refer to? Is there something I can change in settings? Just a thought.
If you start a command prompt, change to "c:\program files\npvr", then run "nrecord.exe RUN" ('run' in capitals), does it give us a more useful message about what is missing?
Just tried that and it brought up a windows firewall window - once I allowed it, it seems to have started OK.
Now I am going to try starting it the normal way, and if that doesn't work I'll have a look at the firewall.
OK - it only works if I start it with cmd. And I can't seem to find how to stop Windows Firewall from blocking it...any ideas ?
p.s. many thanks for soooo much input and help - I really appreciate it