2011-11-08, 01:01 AM
nia Wrote:After having run the install program (even as administrator) and trying to configore the plugin, i get an error message when trying to save any options. It complains that it is missing MusicBox4.xml, which it indeed also does. I have tried creating a dummy (empty) file at the location it indicates to maybe seed it, but to no avail.
Delete the Plugin\MusicBox4 folders in both the DataDirectory and "Program Files" Directory and then re-install from the installer on the wiki http://www.nextpvr.com/nwiki/pmwiki.php?....MusicBox4. Running the installer should create the XML and empty database. If it still fails, is it possible you have and old install of GBPVR on this PC with a pointer to and old ML2 or ML3 database? If so repeat the above but temporarily rename the GBPVR config.xml first. If it still fails send all the logs.
After installation configuration uses the Right Click config menus.