On a side note, i tried to use LiveTV on the standard channels on atv2 with npvr plugin. No luck. After selecting channel, the spinning wheel appears for a minute and back to channel list. No error/video.
mvallevand Wrote:Many of your channels aren't returning any data so it probably isn't decoder related. Could you enable debug logging in SageDCT restart SageDCT and send the logs (I think they are in C:\ProgramData)
I checked my SageDCT setting. Do i need to enable PBDA capture flag?
No just debug logging. I can't really answer the atv2 questions but xbmc has problems with some ceton files and atvs have problems with mpeg so it won't be a good marriage. 1080i certainly won't work. If you put a 20mb sample on drobbox I'll try on an rpi and my pivos to see if it is a general problem on theses low end boxes.
i am attaching logs from dct & npvr. I didn't understand the drop box. Are you looking for a sample recording file? I am assuming rpi means raspberry pi but i didn't get 'pivos'? I do have a raspberry pi .. i haven't loaded anything yet as i thought rpi will underperform as compared to atv2 for live tv - nextpvr.
Looking at your sagedct logs things looks really messed up. Are you sure you downloaded the right channel data from SD?
Yes I wanted a sample sorry for my confusing email, I was curious how your files played on other h/w based players other than Windows. The RPi (yes Raspberry Pi) will be better at some formats then the atv2.
Yes the logs are interesting. i was reviewing them and it was indicating it didn't find the channel. but that's not true. i recorded some channels and they each show few frames of the show after which it freezes. I still suspect decoder but feed can be a issue.
How do empty the channel database? do i need to blow away the npvr.db3? I have an empty copy.
regarding sample files, i will send you a link to a good and bad recording i.e. working + non-working for ur testing.
whurlston Wrote:Sorry, just noticed this comment in your first post. You do realize that Schedules Direct is $25 per year, not month, right?
Indeed. I can get the guide free through WMC and it works nice with recording etc. Only reason i am trying to switch to nextpvr is to the ability to play live tv+recordings from xbmc on atv2 [i do have spare rpi]. Only way i can play live tv from WMC is through xbox which is @100-200 if i buy it used. Sorry for being cheap but i am already putting money in pc + atv/rpi. The whole reason for this is getting away for monthly dvr fees and get access to stuff on net through xbmc.
I think that if you are banking on the ATV2 with XBMC/NextPVR being your final solution, you will be very disappointed compared to WMC with the xboxes. The ATV2 is the weakest link in the chain, but you are also losing some premium content.