2016-05-27, 11:48 PM
It seems to be not to bad it does use a modified SD unique ID but some are tricky trying to figure out how to map 0BKM0W to 1116099
2016-05-27, 11:48 PM
It seems to be not to bad it does use a modified SD unique ID but some are tricky trying to figure out how to map 0BKM0W to 1116099
2016-05-28, 01:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 2016-05-28, 01:48 PM by RBraverman.)
mvallevand Wrote:It seems to be not to bad it does use a modified SD unique ID but some are tricky trying to figure out how to map 0BKM0W to 1116099 I'll - hopefully - get a chance to look at it later today. Like I said I didn't really look through it. Also remember that A LOT of those are 10+ years old and, I think, from older versions of BTV - which as I think of it will make no difference, never mind. Sorry for the P/W but the older I get the more paranoid I get it seems. I'm trying to pull the plug on BTV this weekend - I think after the forums disappeared ( tanks G_D for search engine cache's a me d/ling everything and keeping it) that the license and guide data are soon to follow.
2016-05-29, 01:35 AM
ou seem to have a lot of indexed files that run from the G drive with the same file name, I assume DVD archives. NextPVR doesn't support a prompts for a DVD.
2016-05-29, 02:53 PM
mvallevand Wrote:ou seem to have a lot of indexed files that run from the G drive with the same file name, I assume DVD archives. NextPVR doesn't support a prompts for a DVD. I don't play DVD's on the system, so there should not be any in that. The Same file named, files, are probably old British shows that had a tendancy to do that. Is this going to be a pain in the neck?
2016-05-29, 04:29 PM
RBraverman Wrote:I don't play DVD's on the system, so there should not be any in that. My mistake I saw a lot of <Name>TSIndexFilename</Name> <Value>G:\Default\ts0.index.dat</Value> but that is another field I guess something like NextPVr'S .tsinfo file. Martin
2016-05-30, 12:57 PM
Unfortunately to do this the way I'd like will take me longer than I expected and this week is very hectic so probably can't get to this until Sunday or next Monday.
2016-05-30, 01:29 PM
mvallevand Wrote:Unfortunately to do this the way I'd like will take me longer than I expected and this week is very hectic so probably can't get to this until Sunday or next Monday. I'm not in a hurry. Is there a post somewhere, I APPRECIATE you doing this, but I have a coupla "test" machines that I could set up with NPVR and SageTV ...
2016-05-30, 03:12 PM
I found this easily using the forum search for sagetv http://forums.nextpvr.com/showthread.php...ght=sagetv
2016-05-30, 07:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 2016-06-03, 09:21 PM by RBraverman.)
mvallevand Wrote:I found this easily using the forum search for sagetv http://forums.nextpvr.com/showthread.php...ght=sagetv I used the advanced search, I guess that was why I didn't EVEN see the tab in Firefox I had open to that page. ![]() I get to opening/importing the xml file that was converted FROM the BTV export, and I'm getting a "Document Root Element is Missing". It's the same file I sent you. I'm assuming, as I can not find a good link to dl the sagex-services, that when I do, I might be closer to pulling this off. ******************************* update ****************************************** Now when the import runs I get: "Error Media File G:\filename.ext" does not exist". Sage 6.1.9, Webserver V2.21, Sagex.api V7.1.9.11.sage6. I even mapped the HTPC drive WITH the data to G: on this machine, seems the import comes back way too quickly to have really done anything so I'm wondering if I am using an "invalid" plugin. Any ideas? *************************************** update 2 ******************************* I guess I mis-interpreted what you had done/written Martin, I needed to move the data drive to the machine I'm doing this all on, set it to G:\ and it pulled everything into Sage. I edited some of the entries in the converted ExtractedImfo_sage.xml, so most of the shows would have descriptions I understand. Now I'm having trouble importing it to NPVR. If I have everything set up according to the other thread, I'm of the understanding that I copy my npvr.db3 I am using in the HTPC TO this machine, then use your import it should work and keep my settings, YET ... I'm not sure how to do it. I read and re-read the other thread but am not sure. ************************************** Last Update - I Hope *************************************************** I'm only doing this in case someone saunters along and gets a little from this: I believe it's done: 1. Exported from BTV Metadata with BTV Negociator V5 2. Used Nielms (SP?) conversion app to convert it to a SageTV importable xml file. 3. Installed V6 of SageTV then Updated to V7 (later to the free V9) 4. Imported it into SageTV. 5. Used Martins DANDY import utility to import the recordings into a new npvr.db3 file. 6. Using a small script (Didn't see Martins until afterwards) merged the Recordings metadata data from this new file, into my already setup npvr.db3. 7. Joy - I think. I've perused it, but need to count it out. It's confusing at the end as the are single shows, then folders which may have 25 shows in them, but only count as one item. Also they're in different categories, I'll live. As I have all my recordings in folders, I'm assuming that unless I "import" them in Videos there will be no way to use those? Even for new recordings?
2016-06-09, 04:24 PM
So I do have a direct BTV recordings import working and it probably is better because it keeps the unique ID If anyone wants to try let me me know.
Martin |