2017-08-30, 12:02 AM
sub Wrote:Is it crashing every time you watch TVNZ1/2? If you create a c:\temp directory, do you get a c:\temp\crash.mdmp when you get that crash?
If you get an '404 not found', it's basically telling you the URL is not correct. ie, broadcaster has probably changed the URL. NextPVR doesn't currently have a mechanism for automatically updating the channel list when the source channel list m3u is updated to fix broken/incorrect URLs. If you delete the channels and reimport from the m3u, it should fix that (assuming the m3u has been updated to correct this broken URLs). I'm looking at adding a mechanism for auto updating channels from internet m3u.
Yes, it creates that file, should I send it - I presume you'll be able to read it somehow.
I can try deleting the apsattv.m3u, if thats the one you mean - I presume that means renumbering and remapping to the guide ?