2019-04-21, 05:09 AM
Hey everyone.
Joined Beast tv a few days ago and the live tv works great.
But when I go to Movies, I only have 3 choices.
Recently watched
If I click on All, I get a message saying, No movies found.
Tried downloading epg many times but nothing comes up for movies.
I installed the apk on my android box.
Tried clearing cache and stopping the app but still nothing in movies.
Redownloaded the apk and reinstalled it and still nothing.
Any ideas?
Thanks guys
Joined Beast tv a few days ago and the live tv works great.
But when I go to Movies, I only have 3 choices.
Recently watched
If I click on All, I get a message saying, No movies found.
Tried downloading epg many times but nothing comes up for movies.
I installed the apk on my android box.
Tried clearing cache and stopping the app but still nothing in movies.
Redownloaded the apk and reinstalled it and still nothing.
Any ideas?
Thanks guys