2019-08-22, 08:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 2022-04-12, 05:45 PM by mvallevand.)
NextEnd for v5 is available on the NextPVR wiki. It was bit tricky because the v4 release required an external dll for JSON and I had to hunt down the source. I also wanted to see if I could figure out how to distribute a minimum installation using NextPVR's files which works on all environments without requiring all the files that a typical .netcore app requires.
For those that don't know what NextEnd is I refer you to the wiki for information and usage instruction https://github.com/sub3/NextPVR/wiki/NextEnd
Installation instructions
A. If you install the Windows Netcore 3.1 runtime on Window 64 or use any other platform
1. Unzip attached zip file into a folder Plugins/NextEnd in the v5 user data folder. Case is important outside windows. I kept the v4 upper case, but that will likely change.
2. If you aren't running in C:\Program Files\NPVR edit NextEnd.runtimeconfiguration and change the C:\Program Files\NPVR to your binary folder keeping the trailing blanks
3. On linux it might be tougher you also need to run this
Note that only the dep installer is supported at this time. If you use another install directory you need to update the NextEnd.runtimeconfig.json file and the other instructions to match your configuration.
4. For Docker the User folder is what you set /config to and the sed command is
B. If you don't install the Window Netcore 3.1 on Windows
1. Create a folder Plugins/NextEnd in the v5 user data folder
2. Unzip attached zip file into the NextPVR v5 program folder
3. Delete NextEnd*.json from the program folder
For PostProcessing
Windows 64
A style
C:\Users\Public\NPVR-data\Plugins\NextEnd.exe options
B style
C:\Program Files\NextPVR\NextEnd.exe options
Linux use $ for for parameters and chmod +x sh files
/opt/dotnet/dotnet /var/opt/nextpvr/Plugins/NextEnd/NextEnd.dll options
(or update for your configuration if you aren't using the deb installer)
Docker use $ for for parameters and chmod +x sh files
dotnet /config/Plugins/NextEnd/NextEnd.dll options
For those that don't know what NextEnd is I refer you to the wiki for information and usage instruction https://github.com/sub3/NextPVR/wiki/NextEnd
Installation instructions
A. If you install the Windows Netcore 3.1 runtime on Window 64 or use any other platform
1. Unzip attached zip file into a folder Plugins/NextEnd in the v5 user data folder. Case is important outside windows. I kept the v4 upper case, but that will likely change.
2. If you aren't running in C:\Program Files\NPVR edit NextEnd.runtimeconfiguration and change the C:\Program Files\NPVR to your binary folder keeping the trailing blanks
3. On linux it might be tougher you also need to run this
sed -i 's/\"\/\"/\"\/opt\/nextpvr\/system\/\"/g' NextEnd.deps.json
Note that only the dep installer is supported at this time. If you use another install directory you need to update the NextEnd.runtimeconfig.json file and the other instructions to match your configuration.
4. For Docker the User folder is what you set /config to and the sed command is
sed -i 's/\"\/\"/\"\/app\/\"/g' NextEnd.deps.json
B. If you don't install the Window Netcore 3.1 on Windows
1. Create a folder Plugins/NextEnd in the v5 user data folder
2. Unzip attached zip file into the NextPVR v5 program folder
3. Delete NextEnd*.json from the program folder
For PostProcessing
Windows 64
A style
C:\Users\Public\NPVR-data\Plugins\NextEnd.exe options
B style
C:\Program Files\NextPVR\NextEnd.exe options
Linux use $ for for parameters and chmod +x sh files
/opt/dotnet/dotnet /var/opt/nextpvr/Plugins/NextEnd/NextEnd.dll options
(or update for your configuration if you aren't using the deb installer)
Docker use $ for for parameters and chmod +x sh files
dotnet /config/Plugins/NextEnd/NextEnd.dll options