2019-09-14, 02:26 PM
I'm a new user to nextpvr and so far struggling to get the basics working. I'm on windows 10 Pro 1903. Just installed NPVRSetup_4_2_4_190307. I;ve attached a zip of the log files. For my epg, I'm using schedulesdirect which seems to partial work - i only got info for the first channel. haven't looked into that yet.
My problem is that i can't record. I can view a channel but i get no tuner available when trying to do a record. Searched the forum but posts relating to this problem seemed to cover situations that were more complicated then what i have.
My problem is that i can't record. I can view a channel but i get no tuner available when trying to do a record. Searched the forum but posts relating to this problem seemed to cover situations that were more complicated then what i have.