That made a mess. It did import the new drive recordings but it kept the old data and I wound up with two of everything. One that played and one that needed deleting.
You may have changed the default for "AutoRemoveMissingRecordings" in your config file... or maybe it's the "NoRemoveWhenTreeMissing" stopping it deleting the missing recordings
Either way (personally I would back up my database first) if you make sure <AutoRemoveMissingRecordings>false</AutoRemoveMissingRecordings> is set to "true" & possibly you also need to change <NoRemoveWhenTreeMissing>true</NoRemoveWhenTreeMissing> to "false" then restart NextPVR it should remove the missing recordings from your database & therfore displaying under recordings.
(2019-11-18, 10:43 PM)Jaggy Wrote: You may have changed the default for "AutoRemoveMissingRecordings" in your config file... or maybe it's the "NoRemoveWhenTreeMissing" stopping it deleting the missing recordings
Either way (personally I would back up my database first) if you make sure <AutoRemoveMissingRecordings>false</AutoRemoveMissingRecordings> is set to "true" & possibly you also need to change <NoRemoveWhenTreeMissing>true</NoRemoveWhenTreeMissing> to "false" then restart NextPVR it should remove the missing recordings from your database & therfore displaying under recordings.
I didn't edit the config file but I checked it just now and both are set to "true". This seems to be the initial setting. Does the Settings GUI change this or must it be edited manually? I'm going with the "true"/"false" setting if that is the preferred setting.
Edit it manually & restart NextPVR & it should delete those missing recordings from showing...... then after you have confirmed that worked change it back to the defaults of "true/true" (the NoRemoveWhenTreeMissing is for when a whole drive is not being detected like an external USB drive that is uplugged etc. so in normal circumstances is is best to be in action)