See above. It does not appear as if C:/Temp file transmitted.
See if it goes this time.
Still no further advanced. Also tried MediaPortal and cannot get channels with them. WinTV10 works but I would like to add NPVR to Kodi 19.1 if possible. Everything worked well until upgraded Kodi from 18.0 to 19.1 and WinTV 8.5 to 10 at the same time.
Couldn't do screen shot however after I entered "LogTSFlow=1 (DWORD)" in Registry Editor address bar
the following was added to the directory/folder
(AB Folder logo) LogTSFlow=... Type REG_SZ
and after installing NextPVR and running setup devices which did not locate TV channels c/temp folder showed a install text document which I have tried to send twice but did not go through.
Also attached latest log file as I have deleted and than reinstalled NextPVR, Mediaportal and MySQL5.6 (Actually 8.0) but no improvement. Both PVR's can't locate TV channels. WinTV10 still works fine.
Sorry for being a pain but would like to connect NPVR to Kodi.
Thank you for your time and effort in trying to resolve my issues with NPVR. I have reach my limits in computer skills however and cannot see how I can get NPVR to work. I have Plex, MediaPortal and WinTV all able to locate and play local TV channels and will have to settle for that. Next time computer is being serviced I will see if they can find the problem. I have used Kodi and NPVR for well over 10 years and always has a good experience with them.