2006-02-19, 10:26 PM
It's almost as if there are too many great skinning developments occurring simultaneously - Old Dog's appearance manager, MixMan's standardisation ideas, McBain's GBPVRUIElements, gruskada's GBPVRSkin Tools etc.
There is no doubt that the skinning-side of GB-PVR could be improved, and at the moment it seems like everyone's work could be made complementary - we could have a GUI editor creating standard skins that could then be variously altered and changed from within GB-PVR simply using the remote, which would be a gigantic leap forward, and reflects the amount of work all the developers have put in. Unfortunately, as all these projects have mostly been developed individually, there arises that old open-source bugbear where you end up with mutually exclusive and incompatible branching options for creating skins.
Luckily none of the approaches are yet too entrenched to make changes and compatibility impossible - how about all the relevant developers state what they really need from everyone else for their developments to work, and what is currently open for change, then perhaps they could all (or perhaps just sub) decide on the new standardised aspects that will let all the funky new widgets work together.
If the difference between two people's work is as simple as a button being called Button_Normal and MainButtonNormal, then something as small as that shouldn't hold us back.
There is no doubt that the skinning-side of GB-PVR could be improved, and at the moment it seems like everyone's work could be made complementary - we could have a GUI editor creating standard skins that could then be variously altered and changed from within GB-PVR simply using the remote, which would be a gigantic leap forward, and reflects the amount of work all the developers have put in. Unfortunately, as all these projects have mostly been developed individually, there arises that old open-source bugbear where you end up with mutually exclusive and incompatible branching options for creating skins.
Luckily none of the approaches are yet too entrenched to make changes and compatibility impossible - how about all the relevant developers state what they really need from everyone else for their developments to work, and what is currently open for change, then perhaps they could all (or perhaps just sub) decide on the new standardised aspects that will let all the funky new widgets work together.
If the difference between two people's work is as simple as a button being called Button_Normal and MainButtonNormal, then something as small as that shouldn't hold us back.