2006-03-25, 04:55 PM
Hi there,
I just installed GBPVR, and it was much simpler than I expected. I am haveing one problem though. When I try to watch live TV, I get a black screen. The sound comes through fine. When I record a show, I get both picture and sound.
I am running a dual PIII-800 machine, with a V-steam MCE200 Deluxe encoder card. GBPVR recognized this as a Conexant Blackbird card.
Here is the gbpvr.exe-native.log from when I tried watching TV:
08:44:59.234 INFO Log started
08:44:59.234 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(ShowClosedCaptions)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(UseFFDSHOW)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(ForcedGraphTeardown)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalZoom)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Horizontal Zoom: 1.050000
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalZoom)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Vertical Zoom: 1.000000
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalOffset)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Horizontal Offset: 0
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalOffset)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Vertical Offset: 0
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(LiveTVPrePlayDelay)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio0)
08:44:59.296 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio1)
08:44:59.296 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio2)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio3)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio4)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio5)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio6)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio7)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(TeletextRect)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE MinimumFilePlaySize=200000
08:44:59.484 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerVMR9() initialising...
08:44:59.484 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording(1, 2, 5, 0)
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE target filename:
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Capture Device is based on BlackBird architecture
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Capture Device is using Conexant (derived) drivers
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Loading filter names
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Found names:
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x Crossbar
08:45:06.250 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x Video Capture
08:45:06.250 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x Tuner
08:45:06.250 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x TvAudio
08:45:06.328 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Analog Audio' to 'TVAudio In'
08:45:06.375 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Audio Decoder Out' to 'Analog Audio In'
08:45:06.390 VERBOSE Looking for encoder filter
08:45:06.406 VERBOSE - Conexant 2388x MPEG Encoder
08:45:06.406 VERBOSE GetMedium(pCapturePin) returns: {F8ADDC64-E0D6-47ED-87DF-3A5F4C5F7229}-00020003-00000000
08:45:06.406 VERBOSE getSetting(AutoDetectEncoderMethod)
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE About try all encoders until we find one that works...
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x MPEG Encoder
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE Encoder.GetMedium(p656Pin) returns: {F8ADDC64-E0D6-47ED-87DF-3A5F4C5F7229}-00020003-00000000
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE Pin mediums match...
08:45:06.453 VERBOSE using instance: 1
08:45:06.453 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_Mode(AMTUNER_MODE_TV)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_CountryCode(2)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_TuningSpace(2)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_InputType(0, 0)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_ConnectInput(0)
08:45:06.640 VERBOSE get_VideoFrequency() returns 77250000
08:45:06.640 VERBOSE get_CountryCode() returns 2
08:45:06.656 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.656 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
Many, many, many lines of the same
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Hardware Revision: 0x0000
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Product ROM: 0x0000
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Unknown MSP Product ROM Code
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Attempting to auto detect MSP Standard
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Standard Result = 0x0000
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Status = 0x0000
08:45:06.687 VERBOSE About to query available formats
08:45:06.687 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::SetConfigurationIVAC()
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - Encoder
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - Capture
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - Conexant 2388x Crossbar
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - TV Audio
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
08:45:06.796 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording() done
08:45:06.812 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream(pGB, 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Video Pin', 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Audio Pin', hwnd)
08:45:06.937 VERBOSE getSetting(VMRWindowedMode)
08:45:06.937 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioRenderer)
08:45:06.937 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredDecoder)
08:45:06.984 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: default
08:45:06.984 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
08:45:06.984 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
08:45:07.031 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: Encoder pass-through
08:45:07.234 INFO pFG2->RenderEx(pOutputPin, AM_RENDEREX_RENDERTOEXISTINGRENDERERS, NULL) failed: -2147220968 (trying normal render() next)
08:45:07.343 INFO pGB->Render(pOutputPin) also failed: -2147220968
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Default DirectSound Device
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Video Renderer
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - MPEG Audio Decoder
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Encoder
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Capture
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Conexant 2388x Crossbar
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - TV Audio
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
08:45:07.765 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream() done
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Hardware Revision: 0x0000
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Product ROM: 0x0000
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Unknown MSP Product ROM Code
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Attempting to auto detect MSP Standard
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Standard Result = 0x0000
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Status = 0x0000
08:45:41.750 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
08:45:42.484 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StopRecording()
I just installed GBPVR, and it was much simpler than I expected. I am haveing one problem though. When I try to watch live TV, I get a black screen. The sound comes through fine. When I record a show, I get both picture and sound.
I am running a dual PIII-800 machine, with a V-steam MCE200 Deluxe encoder card. GBPVR recognized this as a Conexant Blackbird card.
Here is the gbpvr.exe-native.log from when I tried watching TV:
08:44:59.234 INFO Log started
08:44:59.234 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(ShowClosedCaptions)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(UseFFDSHOW)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(ForcedGraphTeardown)
08:44:59.250 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalZoom)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Horizontal Zoom: 1.050000
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalZoom)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Vertical Zoom: 1.000000
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalOffset)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Horizontal Offset: 0
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalOffset)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE Vertical Offset: 0
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(LiveTVPrePlayDelay)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
08:44:59.265 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio0)
08:44:59.296 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio1)
08:44:59.296 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio2)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio3)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio4)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio5)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio6)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(AspectRatio7)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE getSetting(TeletextRect)
08:44:59.312 VERBOSE MinimumFilePlaySize=200000
08:44:59.484 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerVMR9() initialising...
08:44:59.484 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording(1, 2, 5, 0)
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE target filename:
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Capture Device is based on BlackBird architecture
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Capture Device is using Conexant (derived) drivers
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Loading filter names
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Found names:
08:45:06.234 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x Crossbar
08:45:06.250 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x Video Capture
08:45:06.250 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x Tuner
08:45:06.250 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x TvAudio
08:45:06.328 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Analog Audio' to 'TVAudio In'
08:45:06.375 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Audio Decoder Out' to 'Analog Audio In'
08:45:06.390 VERBOSE Looking for encoder filter
08:45:06.406 VERBOSE - Conexant 2388x MPEG Encoder
08:45:06.406 VERBOSE GetMedium(pCapturePin) returns: {F8ADDC64-E0D6-47ED-87DF-3A5F4C5F7229}-00020003-00000000
08:45:06.406 VERBOSE getSetting(AutoDetectEncoderMethod)
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE About try all encoders until we find one that works...
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE Conexant 2388x MPEG Encoder
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE Encoder.GetMedium(p656Pin) returns: {F8ADDC64-E0D6-47ED-87DF-3A5F4C5F7229}-00020003-00000000
08:45:06.421 VERBOSE Pin mediums match...
08:45:06.453 VERBOSE using instance: 1
08:45:06.453 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_Mode(AMTUNER_MODE_TV)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_CountryCode(2)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_TuningSpace(2)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_InputType(0, 0)
08:45:06.515 VERBOSE put_ConnectInput(0)
08:45:06.640 VERBOSE get_VideoFrequency() returns 77250000
08:45:06.640 VERBOSE get_CountryCode() returns 2
08:45:06.656 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.656 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
Many, many, many lines of the same
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Hardware Revision: 0x0000
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Product ROM: 0x0000
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Unknown MSP Product ROM Code
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Attempting to auto detect MSP Standard
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Standard Result = 0x0000
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:06.671 VERBOSE Status = 0x0000
08:45:06.687 VERBOSE About to query available formats
08:45:06.687 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::SetConfigurationIVAC()
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - Encoder
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - Capture
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - Conexant 2388x Crossbar
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - TV Audio
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
08:45:06.703 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
08:45:06.796 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording() done
08:45:06.812 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream(pGB, 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Video Pin', 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Audio Pin', hwnd)
08:45:06.937 VERBOSE getSetting(VMRWindowedMode)
08:45:06.937 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioRenderer)
08:45:06.937 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredDecoder)
08:45:06.984 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: default
08:45:06.984 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
08:45:06.984 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
08:45:07.031 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: Encoder pass-through
08:45:07.234 INFO pFG2->RenderEx(pOutputPin, AM_RENDEREX_RENDERTOEXISTINGRENDERERS, NULL) failed: -2147220968 (trying normal render() next)
08:45:07.343 INFO pGB->Render(pOutputPin) also failed: -2147220968
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Default DirectSound Device
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Video Renderer
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - MPEG Audio Decoder
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Encoder
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Capture
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - Conexant 2388x Crossbar
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - TV Audio
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
08:45:07.609 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
08:45:07.765 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream() done
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Hardware Revision: 0x0000
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Product ROM: 0x0000
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Unknown MSP Product ROM Code
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Attempting to auto detect MSP Standard
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Standard Result = 0x0000
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE SetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE GetFilterProperty - IKsPropertySet->QuerySupported property failed
08:45:07.828 VERBOSE Status = 0x0000
08:45:41.750 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
08:45:42.484 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StopRecording()