2004-12-10, 02:30 PM
How does GBPVR handle conflicts? Is there a priority setting that can be changed on a recording so that particular recordings always gets first shot at being recorded? The reason I'm asking is that I would like to add to the Manage Recordings section, and sub group for managing conflicts or at the very least setting up GBPVR season recordings so that a priority can be set. Thus if two season recordings (All Episodes, on this channel, or All Episodes, Any channel) happen to appear at the same time. The one with the higher priority takes presedence.
How does GBPVR handle conflicts? Is there a priority setting that can be changed on a recording so that particular recordings always gets first shot at being recorded? The reason I'm asking is that I would like to add to the Manage Recordings section, and sub group for managing conflicts or at the very least setting up GBPVR season recordings so that a priority can be set. Thus if two season recordings (All Episodes, on this channel, or All Episodes, Any channel) happen to appear at the same time. The one with the higher priority takes presedence.