2009-02-04, 04:00 AM
Here is the contents of xmltv - run.bat:
Here is what I get when I run it in a command window:
I tried adding .exe to xmltv in the batch file, but that didn't help. Any ideas why this is not working?
Quote:xmltv tv_grab_na_dd --days 14 --output xmltv.xml
copy xmltv.xml c:\epg\xmltv.exe.xml
Here is what I get when I run it in a command window:
Quote:C:\EPG\xmltv>xmltv - run.bat
Timezone is -0500
- is not a valid command.
Valid commands are:
tv_cat tv_grab_fi tv_grab_se_swedb
tv_check tv_grab_fr tv_grab_uk_bleb
tv_extractinfo_en tv_grab_hr tv_grab_uk_rt
tv_find_grabbers tv_grab_huro tv_grab_za
tv_grab_ar tv_grab_it tv_grep
tv_grab_be tv_grab_na_dd tv_imdb
tv_grab_br_net tv_grab_na_dtv tv_remove_some_overlapping
tv_grab_ch_search tv_grab_na_icons tv_sort
tv_grab_combiner tv_grab_nc tv_split
tv_grab_dk tv_grab_nl tv_to_latex
tv_grab_dtv_la tv_grab_nl_wolf tv_to_potatoe
tv_grab_ee tv_grab_no tv_to_text
tv_grab_es tv_grab_no_gfeed tv_validate_file
tv_grab_es_laguiatv tv_grab_pt tv_validate_grabber
tv_grab_eu_epgdata tv_grab_re
I tried adding .exe to xmltv in the batch file, but that didn't help. Any ideas why this is not working?