2009-09-16, 04:26 PM
I recently switched my EPG from using the MSN_XMLTV scraper 6.5 to Schedules Direct because the scraper was getting an http 404 error every night. I selected SchedulesDirect as my EPG source in config.exe. When I click on UpdateEPG it requests the listings and runs fine. I have set the automatic EPG update time as 2:00AM. However, the updateEPG.bat contains the command line for the MSN_XMLTV_scraper_V.65.exe scraper. I assume the updateEPG.bat batch file is my problem. How do I setup the updateEPG.bat for Schedules Direct or did I do something incorrectly in setting up config.exe for Schedules Direct? I saw references in the the Schedules Direct wiki to native mode and using updateEPG but I don't understand the difference in configurations. Thanks.