2011-03-17, 11:12 PM
I installed a PCH2 with an analog TV. Everything works: shares, script, but only up to the gray screen saying "mvmcx2 is loaded killall: gay".
Here is the syntax check. Note: I do not use GB-PVR, and renamed the HTML in the mvpmc folder.
I run Win7-32bit, and used the WSM1.2_Setup to check the shares, and to easily set the registry for the necessary patches under Win7 to get shares to work.
Here is the syntax check. Note: I do not use GB-PVR, and renamed the HTML in the mvpmc folder.
Checking for mvpmc share on HONCHO
mvpmc C:\mvpmc
Checking GB-PVR.html links
C:\mvpmc \GB-PVR.html not found
NMT IP Address: MAC 0006DC816A74
GB-PVR Installed C:\Program Files\Devnz\GBPVR\
WebServerEnabled true
WebServerNMTStreamingEnabled true
WebServerPort 7647
Kan geen verbinding met de externe server maken ("can not connect to external server")
N-PVR Installed C:\Users\Public\NPVR
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/HONCHO:mvpmc/npvr.cgi">N-PVR</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/NETWORK_SHARE/NETWORK_BROWSER/browser.cgi">N-PVR via Network Browser</a>
<a href="http://localhost.drives:8883/USB_DRIVE_A-1/mvpmc/usb_a.cgi">N-PVR via USB</a>
config.xml entry found Client Type PCH2
MVPSendIncrementalUpdates true
MVPClientType PCH2
MVPWidth 800
MVPHeight 600
MVPOffsetX 0
MVPOffsetY 0
Enabled true
Port 8070
Checking NMT Version
Checking NMT Display
Calling NMT Source
I run Win7-32bit, and used the WSM1.2_Setup to check the shares, and to easily set the registry for the necessary patches under Win7 to get shares to work.