If you are using NextPVR v2.6.2, the nDroid download screen may hang showing...
1. Start NextPVR and go to Settings -> Misc2 so it can allocate an EPG Update Time, click OK.
2. Edit the NextPVR config.xml and set the <EPGUpdateTime> to be a valid time in the format HH:mms (HH = hour in 24 hour form, mm = minutes, ss= seconds). Save the config.xml file.
After either of the above, restart the nDroid Service then start the nDroid app on your Android device.
If you are using NextPVR v2.6.2, the nDroid download screen may hang showing...
Quote:Creating EPG update timer...FIX:
Pending Recordings
1. Start NextPVR and go to Settings -> Misc2 so it can allocate an EPG Update Time, click OK.
2. Edit the NextPVR config.xml and set the <EPGUpdateTime> to be a valid time in the format HH:mms (HH = hour in 24 hour form, mm = minutes, ss= seconds). Save the config.xml file.
After either of the above, restart the nDroid Service then start the nDroid app on your Android device.