I am trying to determine if NextPVR can be installed on Arch Linux and x86-64 based linux. The first step is determining where all the files end up. Thus far I have the following list of actions/files locations.
My understaning is the macNPVR.zip is downloaded into /tmp/macNPVR.zip.
mkdir -p /opt/nextpvr/system
unzip -u -o /tmp/NPVR.zip -d /opt/nextpvr/system
chmod 755 /opt/nextpvr/system/NextPVRServer.dll
chmod 755 /opt/nextpvr/system/DeviceHost/x64/DeviceHostLinux
useradd nextpvr || true (only add if not already exist)
usermod -a -G video,audio nextpvr (append user to groups video, audio, nextpvr)
mkdir /var/opt/nextpvr
chown nextpvr /var/opt/nextpvr
mkdir /home/userid/recordings
ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/nextpvr-server.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/
The nextpvr-helper.deb contains files to be copied to locations:
dotnet gets installed into /opt/dotnet
My understaning is the macNPVR.zip is downloaded into /tmp/macNPVR.zip.
mkdir -p /opt/nextpvr/system
unzip -u -o /tmp/NPVR.zip -d /opt/nextpvr/system
chmod 755 /opt/nextpvr/system/NextPVRServer.dll
chmod 755 /opt/nextpvr/system/DeviceHost/x64/DeviceHostLinux
useradd nextpvr || true (only add if not already exist)
usermod -a -G video,audio nextpvr (append user to groups video, audio, nextpvr)
mkdir /var/opt/nextpvr
chown nextpvr /var/opt/nextpvr
mkdir /home/userid/recordings
ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/nextpvr-server.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/
The nextpvr-helper.deb contains files to be copied to locations:
dotnet gets installed into /opt/dotnet