2021-02-17, 01:50 AM
I've compiled a m3u playlist that works great locally but doesn't work when I try to access it remotely, using VLC. Any suggestions?
I've used the format
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-chno="1",Your Channel Name
Does the NPVR PIN setting have a role in this or is it likely another issue. The correct PORT number is forwarded on my router and I can access the NextPVR server remotely via the NextPVR app on android (but I need the m3u playlist instead because of some functional limitations with the app).
I've used the format
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-chno="1",Your Channel Name
Does the NPVR PIN setting have a role in this or is it likely another issue. The correct PORT number is forwarded on my router and I can access the NextPVR server remotely via the NextPVR app on android (but I need the m3u playlist instead because of some functional limitations with the app).