I have just installed NextPVR in a Docker container on a Lubuntu 20.04 machine. It scanned the channels fine, and I can stream channels in the web browser, but the EPG is not being populated (I get "0 inserted, 0 updated" after each request to updated the EPG). I attach the NPVR log. The most recent request to update the EPG was made at 18:47 (on 28/10/22).
This is the command that I used to create the Docker container (the NextPVR host is
This is the command that I used to create the Docker container (the NextPVR host is
sudo docker run -d \
--name nextpvr \
--volume /home/myuser/nextpvr:/config \
--volume /media/WD4Tb/nextpvr:/recordings \
--volume /home/myuser/:/buffer \
--restart unless-stopped \
--publish 8866:8866 \
--publish 16891:16891/udp \
--env HOST_IP= \