This is as of the most recent version available as of 10-05-2005. I dont have the specific version number of the plugin (the dll version is 1.0.2096.19520).
This covers everything in the blue themes skin, I believe. I've removed extraneous stuff but if there are other settings I have NO idea what they are. If you have any addition comments or information on what the heck certain things do, please let me know and I'll add them in.
Note that the 'unused' items seem to still need to be in the skin file or GBPVR freaks out. I have NO idea why.
- Certain text items have 'linked' colors (they share the same text color attribute). Keep this in mind as some text items in the popups are shared with items in the normal search lists, etc.
- The popups, aside from their backgrounds, appear to be completely unskinnable - you can't even move them/resize them at all. Only the background element is alterable and thats about the only reference to the popups in the skin file.
- The left.gif and right.gif files, used in the advanced scheduling popups, are 28x28 and are stretched to that size if they're not already at it. They are only used in the 'Schedule' option popup, the 'advanced' popup appears to be skinned somewhere else even though it gets some of it's text settings from this skin.xml (Xrecord???).
This covers everything in the blue themes skin, I believe. I've removed extraneous stuff but if there are other settings I have NO idea what they are. If you have any addition comments or information on what the heck certain things do, please let me know and I'll add them in.
Note that the 'unused' items seem to still need to be in the skin file or GBPVR freaks out. I have NO idea why.
- Certain text items have 'linked' colors (they share the same text color attribute). Keep this in mind as some text items in the popups are shared with items in the normal search lists, etc.
- The popups, aside from their backgrounds, appear to be completely unskinnable - you can't even move them/resize them at all. Only the background element is alterable and thats about the only reference to the popups in the skin file.
- The left.gif and right.gif files, used in the advanced scheduling popups, are 28x28 and are stretched to that size if they're not already at it. They are only used in the 'Schedule' option popup, the 'advanced' popup appears to be skinned somewhere else even though it gets some of it's text settings from this skin.xml (Xrecord???).
<!-- named colors -->
<NamedColor name="Selection" color="DarkGray"/> <!-- Selection bar color inside of lists and in advanced scheduling popups -->
<NamedColor name="SelectedKeyboardKey" color="Orange"/> <!-- Does Nothing -->
<NamedColor name="UnSelectedKeyboardKey" color="White"/> <!-- Color of Text on unselected onscreen keyboard keys -->
<NamedColor name="UnSelectedKeyboardKeyFill" color="Black"/> <!-- Fill color of unselected Onscreen keyboard keys -->
<NamedColor name="SelectedKeyboardKeyFill" color="LightBlue"/> <!-- Fill color of selected Onscreen keyboard keys-->
<!-- text style -->
<TextStyle name="Button" color="Purple" typeFace="HandelGotD" size="14" style="bold"/> <!-- Does Nothing -->
<TextStyle name="EnteredText" color="White" typeFace="Tahoma" size="14" style="bold"/> <!-- Text color of text entered via onscreen keyboard, appears above keyboard-->
<TextStyle name="HighlightedTrailText" color="Yellow" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Text color of selection in list once you press enter (and selection bar moves to next list) -->
<TextStyle name="ScreenName" color="White" typeFace="HandelGotD" size="32" style="bold"/> <!-- Text color of a text element below (the 'name' of the current screen your on')-->
<TextStyle name="ButtonText" color="White" typeFace="HandelGotD" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Text color on unselected button (Popups Only)-->
<TextStyle name="SelectedButtonText" color="Black" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="Bold"/> <!-- Text color on Selected Button (Popups Only) -->
<TextStyle name="GeneralText" color="White" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Description, keyboard outlines, selection bar outline, Unselected list items, Program Desc. Channel and Time, Advanced/Power Popup Settings -->
<TextStyle name="Settings" color="White" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold"/> <!-- Text color of settings in normal scheduling popup, not advanced -->
<TextStyle name="ProgrammeTitle" color="LightBlue" typeFace="HandelGotD" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Text color of program title (popups and below search) -->
<TextStyle name="SettingLabels" color="Dark Gray" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Text color of setting names in normal scheduling popup, not advanced-->
<TextStyle name="SelectedGeneralText" color="White" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Text for TimeElement and Selections in Lists -->
<TextStyle name="SelectedProgrammeDesc" color="Purple" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold"/> <!-- Does Nothing-->
<TextStyle name="SelectedProgrammeTitle" color="purple" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Does Nothing-->
<TextStyle name="SelectedProgrammeChannel" color="Blue" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Does Nothing-->
<TextStyle name="ButtonText" color="Purple" typeFace="Tahoma" size="11" style="bold"/> <!-- Does Nothing-->
<!-- Onscreen Keyboard Text Settings -->
<TextStyle name="SelectedKeyboardKey" color="Black" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold"/> <!-- Color of Keyboard Key text on selection -->
<TextStyle name="UnSelectedKeyboardKey" color="Yellow" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold"/> <!-- Does nothing -->
<TextStyle name="SelectedKeyboardKeyFill" color="yellow" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold"/> <!-- Does nothing -->
<TextStyle name="UnSelectedKeyboardKeyFill" color="DarkRed" typeFace="Tahoma" size="12" style="bold"/> <!-- Does nothing -->
<!-- Showtime List Text Colors -->
<TextStyle name="AlreadyScheduled" color="Blue" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Textstyle for already scheduled shows in showtime list-->
<TextStyle name="ConflictText" color="Red" typeFace="Tahoma" size="13" style="bold"/> <!-- Textstyle for conflicting show in showtime list -->
<!-- special elements -->
<SpecialElement name="Buttons" loc="200,80" size="120,30" spacing="3"/> <!-- does nothing in this skin/plugin -->
<SpecialElement name="Letter" loc="50,85" size="180,220" spacing="3"/> <!-- position of Letter/Cast/Genre Listings-->
<SpecialElement name="Title" loc="237,85" size="250,220" spacing="3"/> <!-- position of show title listing -->
<SpecialElement name="Time" loc="494,85" size="220,220" spacing="3"/> <!-- position of showtimes listing -->
<SpecialElement name="Channel" loc="50,85" size="150,220" spacing="3"/> <!-- position of Channel/Desc Listings -->
<SpecialElement name="KeyboardControl" loc="120,260"/>
<SpecialElement name="SelectedDetails" loc="300,200" size="100,100"/>
<!-- Composite Images -->
<!-- static background image -->
<CompositeImage name="Background" size="720,480"> <!-- Background images. Not necessary and don't actually 'control' anything. -->
<DrawImage filename="..\background.jpg" loc="0,0" size="720,480"/>
<DrawText text="XSearch" loc="35,15" size="200,120" textStyle="ScreenName" align="Left"/>
<!-- letter or channel -->
<DrawRoundedRect loc="50,90" size="180,170" radius="7" borderWidth="2" borderColor="White" fillColor="Black"/>
<!-- name -->
<DrawRoundedRect loc="237,90" size="250,170" radius="7" borderWidth="2" borderColor="White" fillColor="Black"/>
<!-- time -->
<DrawRoundedRect loc="494,90" size="220,170" radius="7" borderWidth="2" borderColor="White" fillColor="Black"/>
<!-- image used for a selected button, these only appear in the popup in this plugin -->
<CompositeImage name="SelectedButtonImage" size="130,45">
<DrawRoundedRect loc="4,5" size="120,30" radius="5" borderWidth="4" borderColor="White" fillColor="LightGray"/>
<DrawText text="@buttonText" loc="15,9" size="115,34" textStyle="SelectedButtonText" align="Left"/>
<!-- image used for a normal button, these only appear in the popup in this plugin -->
<CompositeImage name="NormalButtonImage" size="130,45">
<DrawRoundedRect loc="4,5" size="120,30" radius="10" borderWidth="4" borderColor="Transparent" fillColor="Transparent"/>
<DrawText text="@buttonText" loc="15,9" size="115,34" textStyle="ButtonText" align="Left"/>
<CompositeImage name="FutureRecordingPopupBackground" size="720,480">
<DrawRoundedRect loc="0,0" size="670,320" radius="10" borderWidth="4" borderColor="White" fillColor="Red"/> <!-- unused -->
<CompositeImage name="AddFutureRecordingPopupBackground" size="720,480">
<DrawRoundedRect loc="0,0" size="670,320" radius="10" borderWidth="4" borderColor="White" fillColor="Blue"/> <!-- unused -->
<CompositeImage name="RecordingPopupBoxBackground" size="720,480">
<DrawRoundedRect loc="0,0" size="670,320" radius="10" borderWidth="4" borderColor="White" fillColor="Black"/> <!-- scheduling popup design -->
<CompositeImage name="ConflictPopupBackground" size="720,480">
<DrawRoundedRect loc="0,0" size="670,320" radius="10" borderWidth="4" borderColor="White" fillColor="Green"/> <!-- appears on scheduling conflict -->
<TimeElement loc="554,50" size="115,20"/> <!-- Secltion and Date/Time - General Text-->
<WildcardElement enabled="false"/> <!-- Not sure, since wildcard is always on even if set false on keyboard-->
<TunerElement count="1"/> <!-- Tuner to use? ???-->
<DefaultQualityElement value="Medium"/> <!-- Sets standard recording profile to use when scheduling -->
<AutoMoveElement value="true"/> <!-- ??? no idea -->
<CurrentValueElement loc="400,50" size="130,280"/> <!-- ??? no idea -->
<KeyboardKeyElement size="25,25" quickmode="true"/> <!-- Size of each keyboard key; quickmode=??? -->
<!-- Number of elements to show in each list -->
<ListCountElement count="8"/> <!-- Number of items in lists (channels, letters, etc) -->