2005-10-29, 01:19 AM
I've been having a problem playing back .AVI files using GbPVR over the MVP. Specifically XvID's and DivX recorded AVI files. The sound and video won't sync up.
Well -- today -- for grins and giggles I turned off GbPVR completely, started the latest HauPPauge MVP software (the one on the website in Beta), and guess what...?? All of my AVI files played "PERFECTLY!" I mean ''flawlessly''. I was floored... Everyone said it was an installed codec issue, and I've been beating my head against the wall following all kinds of advise -- I mean weird stuff -- just short of sacrificing a goat on my kitchen counter, I don't know what else I could have done...
SO -- it's the MVP Transcoder that was built with the GBPVR application that is causing the sync errors....
At least now I can play some of those recorded episodes of the Sopranos. I just have to shut down GbPVR & start the Hauppauge application everytime I want to watch them....
Sub -- if you are reading -- and if it's on your to-do list, give it a shot and see if you have any of the same results... I was just running the 'straight' Hauppauge software, nothing else outside of installed native codecs.
Well -- today -- for grins and giggles I turned off GbPVR completely, started the latest HauPPauge MVP software (the one on the website in Beta), and guess what...?? All of my AVI files played "PERFECTLY!" I mean ''flawlessly''. I was floored... Everyone said it was an installed codec issue, and I've been beating my head against the wall following all kinds of advise -- I mean weird stuff -- just short of sacrificing a goat on my kitchen counter, I don't know what else I could have done...
SO -- it's the MVP Transcoder that was built with the GBPVR application that is causing the sync errors....
At least now I can play some of those recorded episodes of the Sopranos. I just have to shut down GbPVR & start the Hauppauge application everytime I want to watch them....
Sub -- if you are reading -- and if it's on your to-do list, give it a shot and see if you have any of the same results... I was just running the 'straight' Hauppauge software, nothing else outside of installed native codecs.