2008-04-03, 04:10 PM
agh! Wrote:Wishful thinking on my part perhaps, but I was wondering if they had a firmware upgrade now which would allow MediaMVP to process DivX/MPEG4 natively?No, affraid not. The Hauppauge does pretty much the same thing as GB-PVR, and transcodes it to MPEG2 for playback on the MVP.
Quote:Although I got GBPVR transcoding on the fly working I found the hard disk quickly getting cluttered up with the .mpg files generated so abandonned that approach.It only uses the one temporarily .mpg file, always with the same filename, which is recreated every time it needs to transcode a file for the MVP, so it one be cluttering up your hard drive with random .mpg files. The filename is called MVPXXXXXXXX.mpg, where XXXXXXXX is the MVPs MAC address.