Ok, got the sound working. Onto the next problem. (Why is there always a next problem??)
Now, when I go to one of my newly mapped HD channels and select a program I want to record (Season, all new episodes on this channel), the program does NOT turn red to tell me it will be recorded. The program does show up in the list of Recurring Recordings, but there are no programs in the Pending Recordings list. There are no conflicts.
With that season recording option, it will only record NEW episodes (new to everyone, and flagged as such in your epg data, not just new to you). If you want it to record shows that are new to you, but not necessarily NEW, just use the "all episodes this channel" option and ensure "Avoid duplicate recordings where possible" is checked in Settings->Recordings.
server: NextPVR 5.0.7/Win10 2004/64-bit/AMD A6-7400k/hvr-2250 & hvr-1250/Winegard Flatwave antenna/Schedules Direct main client: NextPVR 5.0.7 Desktop Client; LG 50UH5500 WebOS 3.0 TV
Ok, I will try that, but the show I was trying to record IS a new episode for this season, so.. not sure what's up with that. Could be the EPG just doesn't have it flagged.
Thanks everybody for all your help, hopefully this will be the last problem!