adjusted line [removed smiley]
as-is sound may be compromised...
i use a simple batch cue system for years, was on old wiki and i adapted for my uses...hasn't failed yet..
and in postpprocessing.bat:
it processes on the fly and always gets new additions to list...
and cue can be stopped and resumed without issue.
mencoder "%~dpn1.ts" -af volume=+10db -vf-add scale=480:320 -ofps 29 -oac faac -faacopts br=192:mpeg=4:object=2 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=1500:aspect=16/9:threads=2 -o "%~dpn1.avi" >>%LOGFILE%
i use a simple batch cue system for years, was on old wiki and i adapted for my uses...hasn't failed yet..
@if not exist cue.txt goto :eof
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%f in (cue.txt) do (
@if "%%~f"=="" (del cue.txt && exit)
@title %%~nf
@find /v %%f < cue.txt > cue.tx2
@move cue.tx2 cue.txt
@goto :startit
goto :eof
echo "%~f1">>cue.txt
and cue can be stopped and resumed without issue.
Hardware: HDHR Prime, HDPVR 1212, Raspberry pi2, VFD display w/LCDSmartie