2005-04-26, 04:25 PM
This is about the ability to hit record while watching, and being able to leave the show w/o ending recording. I asked about it before, and just wanted to see if this was going to be add/brought back in the next update.
If there are a portion of people who don't want this, maybe it would be something that could be asked as an option ("Quit In-show Record on Exit: y/n")
I ask again because I found another occastion where it would be helpful. I was watching something last night just before going to bed, and decided I wanted to see the whole thing. Just hitting record would have meant leaving the TV playing all night.
If there are a portion of people who don't want this, maybe it would be something that could be asked as an option ("Quit In-show Record on Exit: y/n")
I ask again because I found another occastion where it would be helpful. I was watching something last night just before going to bed, and decided I wanted to see the whole thing. Just hitting record would have meant leaving the TV playing all night.