I spent many hours editing my M3U. Is there a way to save it so I can reload it later? I'd like to start creating a different M3U but I'd like to be able to reload my original list also.
If you are editing it how can you not be saving it? If you mean editing it by reducing the list and maping the EPG in NextPVR backing up npvr.db3 but you are really stuck with your providers m3u which can change anytime.
For most control of the m3u itself you might be better off using an m3u proxy like threadfin.
I loaded in the m3u from my supplier and removed all of the channels I didn't want by using NEXTPVR. I am now thinking of expanding the channels I want but if I reload the m3u from my supplier, my edited m3u channels that are currently in NEXTPVR will go away. I was hoping to be able to load those back in without spending days/hours editing the entire list all over from scratch. I will try juggling copies of the npvr.db3 between edits.
FWIW, I have NEXTPVR installed on my windows box that is permanently going through a VPN and then threadfin installed on the Plex server which points at the NEXTPVR box.
I'm also shopping around for a new IPTV supplier so loading in a new supplier would wipe out my existing data and until I commit, I will be switching back and forth.