I'm taking a stab at getting the newest comskip running again.
I've got SA working perfectly, but it doesn't output cuttermaran, and my videoredo trial ended
So...I'm trying to use comskip, comclean2, and renamerecordings.
I have comskip running during the recording, no problem.
It's outputting all the stuff I want, and with a little tuning, I should be OK.
Then I have (in postprocessing.bat) comclean2, which seems to be doing it's thing nicely.
I then have renamerecordings...and here's where I get messed up.
Because comskip outputs the cutlists before the file is renamed, they become useless. If comskip has worked properly, then comclean has given me a useable mpg. If comskip has missed, and comclean has cut a portion of show out, I still want the option of manually cutting the file, using the cutlist, but everything has been renamed. I have to open the .wme (for example) in notepad, copy the original name of the show, rename the mpg, then manually edit.
Is there any way around this?
Can I rename before comskip/comclean, or is there another way?
Second problem. With multiple tuners, I often have shows that end at exactly the same time. It seems that comclean only runs on the first show (I have no idea how it chooses which one of the 3). They all seem to get renamed properly.
Problem 3. My initial cut list is dead accurate, but the final cutlist only represents about 1/3 of the actual commercials. What am I supposed to change to rectify this? I can't figure it out, and I've been through the tuning manual at least 9 times.
I've got SA working perfectly, but it doesn't output cuttermaran, and my videoredo trial ended
So...I'm trying to use comskip, comclean2, and renamerecordings.
I have comskip running during the recording, no problem.
It's outputting all the stuff I want, and with a little tuning, I should be OK.
Then I have (in postprocessing.bat) comclean2, which seems to be doing it's thing nicely.
I then have renamerecordings...and here's where I get messed up.
Because comskip outputs the cutlists before the file is renamed, they become useless. If comskip has worked properly, then comclean has given me a useable mpg. If comskip has missed, and comclean has cut a portion of show out, I still want the option of manually cutting the file, using the cutlist, but everything has been renamed. I have to open the .wme (for example) in notepad, copy the original name of the show, rename the mpg, then manually edit.
Is there any way around this?
Can I rename before comskip/comclean, or is there another way?
Second problem. With multiple tuners, I often have shows that end at exactly the same time. It seems that comclean only runs on the first show (I have no idea how it chooses which one of the 3). They all seem to get renamed properly.
Problem 3. My initial cut list is dead accurate, but the final cutlist only represents about 1/3 of the actual commercials. What am I supposed to change to rectify this? I can't figure it out, and I've been through the tuning manual at least 9 times.
You can never have enough tuners!
Pentium Quad / 4Gb Dual Channel RAM / XPSP3 / 2 x PVR-500, PVR-250 / GB-PVR
Pentium Quad / 4Gb Dual Channel RAM / XPSP3 / 2 x PVR-500, PVR-250 / GB-PVR