2009-02-27, 09:09 PM
How do your make GBPVR run a custom Auto-Convert? In the Config, Processing tab there is an "Auto-Convert TS recordings to:" box. When set to something I assume it calls ffmpeg to do the conversion. How can I get it to run a batch file or a different exe program instead of ffmpeg?
The reason I'd like to do this is because right now, while using multi-record, for some reason that Sub is looking into, postprocessing.bat doesn't run on all the recordings when they're back to back. I would like to try having the "Auto-Convert TS recordings" run my postprocessing.bat (renamed to something else so GBPVR won't try to run it again) using the "ASAP" setting so it sort of mimics how GBPVR runs the postprocessing.bat file after a recording.
The reason I'd like to do this is because right now, while using multi-record, for some reason that Sub is looking into, postprocessing.bat doesn't run on all the recordings when they're back to back. I would like to try having the "Auto-Convert TS recordings" run my postprocessing.bat (renamed to something else so GBPVR won't try to run it again) using the "ASAP" setting so it sort of mimics how GBPVR runs the postprocessing.bat file after a recording.