2005-07-16, 03:25 AM
Shader Wrote:I have tried nanopeg, but it messed up my video....
If I 'export' the file (after setting in and out ) it gets 'waved', it looks like very large interlace trouble... I didn't find a way to correct this problem...
I have recorded two sequential half hour shows off the same channel and because the time is always just a little off, sometimes a tiny part of the beginning of the second show is on the end of the first - no complaint about gbPVR - and the nanoedit or nanopeg is supposed to allow two imported sources to be edited, so, in theory, my problem should be solved. But that stinking program (v2.2 or 2.3) messes up what it snips on the second source. I dashed an email off to Hauppauge about that and the reply is I am supposed to try Ulead Movie Factory instead, because nanowhatever is "no longer supported" -- is that why 2.2 is two years old and the 2.3 version is beta? Not nice of Hauppauge to not mention the "no support" of their editor that they brag about.
On with the saga:
Inside of gbPVR, I use 720 x 480 VBR 5000k / 6500k peak / 224k audio for my settings. GOP 12.
I cannot cut out commercials using Hauppauge WinTV MPEG Cuts Only nanocrap Editor, nor Ulead DVD Studio 6, and Ulead Movie Factory 3 gets really bogged down because it wants to hijack several mpeg2s and bundle them all into a DVD project, recode, with a burn to DVD - something I don't want.
I just want to trim all my shows up as neat as possible without re-encoding. I need to know if my record settings need adjusting and what others use SUCCESSFULLY to cut out the extras.
I wasted a whole day today monkeying w Ulead (I < HATE > that VideoStudio WON'T uninstall and another one I tried had NO install directions whatsoever). I just get worn out installing stuff that doesn't work and reading endlessly on the internet trying to figure out what to use. My Mac w Final Cut Pro and a Philips software tuner card takes more time and HD space, but at least I get perfect results without trying this and that and searching the internet for hours (that's maybe a mini Windows - Hauppauge - Ulead - Media Portal - mpeg editing flame). Sigh.
All I can say is gbPVR (mostly) rules! The install and run after Media Portal hell was a cakewalk. It (and iTunes) are the only part of the whole Windows experience that actually works near flawlessly and understandably. (If only it would support iPod and iTunes tags - that's for another thread < g >)
Thanks for your hopefully helpful replies on my / your settings and a decent editor...