2006-10-15, 02:56 AM
thought I'd give this skin a try. I have a few questions.
Why is VA Panel turned off by default. I end up going into the skin file and turning it on, but then when I use this skin to change skins it goes back off.
I don't know if it's because I use an older version from the wiki but it seems to change the video archive skin in the actual contourHC skin.
My Video Archive doesn't work properly using this skin. It displays the shows (left panel) but doesn't display the episodes in the right panel...I know it's working however becuase the show description changes. When I switch back to ContourHC the Video Archive skin has changed for some reason to the blue skin and still shows the problems above. I have to copy over a backup of the archive skin to fix it.
Otherwise the skin looks great and really customizable. I look forward to change skins to suite my mood and to have a change of pace.
Why is VA Panel turned off by default. I end up going into the skin file and turning it on, but then when I use this skin to change skins it goes back off.
I don't know if it's because I use an older version from the wiki but it seems to change the video archive skin in the actual contourHC skin.
My Video Archive doesn't work properly using this skin. It displays the shows (left panel) but doesn't display the episodes in the right panel...I know it's working however becuase the show description changes. When I switch back to ContourHC the Video Archive skin has changed for some reason to the blue skin and still shows the problems above. I have to copy over a backup of the archive skin to fix it.
Otherwise the skin looks great and really customizable. I look forward to change skins to suite my mood and to have a change of pace.
E6400, 2 GB RAM ,500 GB + 250 GB HD, PVR150+ Adaptec 3610, RW 2 + HIP, Antec 2480 w/ mini ninja ...still using v 0.99