I've changed the logic in the pending build so that the EPG wont be emptied until it has successfully retrieved the zap2it listings. yes I know...but hindsight is 20/20 and all that...This is only really obvious to zap2it users since they seem to be having such a hardtime with zap2it contectivity at the moment.
One thing I do recommend though, is that you should only be configuring it to retrieve 4 or 5 days at a time. You guys that insist on grabbing 14 days are going to have real problems, and its going to take forever to complete.
No harm here, and totally human mistake, esp w/ the number of changes you had in this update. Overall, it looks like you've had a famously small amount of bugs on the whole (the vol one seeming to be the most vocal).
sub Wrote:One thing I do recommend though, is that you should only be configuring it to retrieve 4 or 5 days at a time. You guys that insist on grabbing 14 days are going to have real problems, and its going to take forever to complete.
Some of us like the long view, and at 5am, I have nothing but time
You could always hard-code the limit to 5-10 days, and just leave it to the individually responsibility/folly of the tweakers to go into the config.xml and change it higher manually.
capone Wrote:Some of us like the long view, and at 5am, I have nothing but time
I totally agree
I recently bumped the EPG out to 14 days since I often want to schedule something to record that doesn't run every week, like the upcoming "Triangle" mini-series on Sci-Fi, and worry that I'll forget to do so if I can only set it up within 7 days.
Maybe there's some kind of middle ground, where it could just grab the most basic info for shows more than 7 days out or something ...
[QUOTE=You guys that insist on grabbing 14 days are going to have real problems, and its going to take forever to complete.[/QUOTE]
Guilty! I admit it. Also GBPVR does work and respond much better with only 5 days in the EPG. As long as I can keep it up to date, I don't mind the occasional failure. I like being able to see when certain episodes are coming. Once I get the last couple STNG episodes I need, I might back it down to 8-9 days.
3x MVPs (not used anymore)
Hauppauge 150 via SVideo
Comcast Digital Cable
Motorola HD Cable box channel changed via Firewire
Vista Home Premium with RDP hack
AMD Athalon 64 5000+
340gig sata, plus 80SATA+3x160IDE Drives in XP machine for storage.
2005-12-02, 01:49 AM (This post was last modified: 2005-12-02, 01:54 AM by Old Dog.)
When I got home this evening, I found my Zap2It TV Guide was empty, just like everyone else's. While I was concerned with about updating the EPG, my focus was elsewhere, hence my actions, and observations are a bit unique.
Here is what happened, as best as I can recall. Please note that everything I mention is relevent. How so is up to you to figure out.
The first thing that I did was Exit GBPVR.exe. I then edited my config.xml changing my skin from "Collection" to "SciFi". I saved the config, restarted GBPVR.exe and verified the new skin.
Next, I Exited GBPVR.exe again and went into the GBPVR config program. I started the EPG update for my first capture device. Because of all the posts, I monitored my network traffic. Based on my observation and the messages from the progress dialog, the download from Zap2It lasted less than one minute then the progress changed to Processing. Processing took a long, long time. In fact I turned to other things. I didn't time the processing, but I did keep checking on it, wild guess, more than half an hour.
While this was going on, I realized I needed a screen shot of the new skin. When the EPG update finally finished, I immediatly left the config program. I started up GBPVR.exe and grabbed my screen shot of "SciFi".
I shut down GBPVR.exe, went back to the config program. I deselected "Complete EPG update" then started the EPG update for my second capture source. Expecting another lengthy session, I started to turn to other things.
The first time I checked, the Progress dialog indicated that processing was complete and it was saving (or installing, I don't remember the words). I was amazed by the speed so I waited. The complete update for the second capture device only took a couple, maybe a few minutes at most.
I left the config program and restarted GBPVR.exe. Then I almost fainted. There, in all it's glory was my "Pastoral" skin. To the best of my recollection, I have not used that skin in weeks. My first thought was that I simply had the wrong background file, but then I remembered the "SciFi" screen shot.
I Exited GBPVR.exe and checked the background file. It was correct. I then opened the config.xml file. The first thing I noticed was alot of green text (I use an XML editor) that I had not noticed before. I went to the top of the file and saw version "95.11". Scrolled down to the skin entry and there was "Pastoral".
For the record, I have not used recreational drugs in more than twenty years.
Pioneer4x4 Wrote:Guilty! I admit it. Also GBPVR does work and respond much better with only 5 days in the EPG. As long as I can keep it up to
date, I don't mind the occasional failure.
I also found out if you set it far enough in the future, you can see your own death....and lotto numbers.
What you're describing is much the same as Tipstir did. I haven't seen it myself yet but i expect I will. Maybe it happens to those who are forever changing skins around and sometimes it just doesn't take or something?
yeah, mine blanked today. I just renewed zap2it today and tried again, no luck.
The config.exe app runs at 98% cpu and starts drinking RAM, mine been running 30 min and it using about 285mb right now.
is this an issue with the new release?
Oh, BTW, Zap2it is getting blasted with service requests between 12am and 6am, they are asking users to d/l data during the day to even bandwidth usage.
I changed my update time to 10am a while ago and have had no problems since.
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