2012-09-30, 09:44 PM
Found a Alpha6 build from yesterday, plugin is currently importing EPG
2012-09-30, 09:44 PM
Found a Alpha6 build from yesterday, plugin is currently importing EPG
2012-09-30, 10:50 PM
Ok, plugin is installed and "working"
SD channels will start after about 20 seconds, xbmc use 100% cpu at this point and cannot keep up with video, sound is fine, but video has low fps. HD channels are just as slow to start, varied result, at first try's I only got sound for 5 seconds, no video (channel was still timeshifting on server) Then suddenly HD started working, perfect playback @ 98% cpu (xvba hardware acc) So HD works because cpu is offloaded by gfx card. SD fails because cpu has to do all work. Something is very wrong though, why is it hogging the cpu ? Nothing is written in xbmc.log
2012-09-30, 11:14 PM
Playback of recordings works fine, no cpu hogging.
but regarding recordings, I schedule recording from inside xbmc, some notes, don't know if this is xbmc fault or plugin. The record button is missing text, also programs in epg that are replay and have a ® in the title ex: "The Simpsons ®" Turn up in recordings as "The Simpsons %28R%29" When I start playing recording it says "this channel cannot be played. Check the log for details", click ok and it starts playing.
2012-10-01, 01:06 AM
KRA Wrote:Ok, plugin is installed and "working"It's most likely related to the build of xbmc (or ffmpeg) rather than the addon. The NextPVR addon just passes the data to XBMC, and it takes care of the decoding and playback. I think you had other addons working in the past, do they work fine with this build of xbmc? It is still pretty early days for this plugin though. Its only existed a few weeks, so wouldn't be surprised to see bugs. Most of the testing to date has been against Windows versions of xbmc, so you're treading new ground.
2012-10-01, 01:07 AM
KRA Wrote:The record button is missing textI've seen this too. It seems to be bug introduced in recent xbmc builds. Quote:also programs in epg that are replay and have a ® in the title ex: "The Simpsons ®" Turn up in recordings as "The Simpsons %28R%29"I'll check this out.
2012-10-01, 01:44 AM
KRA Wrote:Found a Alpha6 build from yesterday, plugin is currently importing EPG Where did you find this build?
ubuntu ppa https://launchpad.net/~wsnipex/+archive/...ba-testing
Also, I will try more tonight, to see if I have the cpu hog issue with other plugins, it was late at night, and I just had to try the plugin didn't have time to look for solution to problems.
2012-10-01, 12:54 PM
what exact build of xbmc should I be using with this plugin? on windows installed a frodo PVR version and all I get is the PVR client has not been started, even thouhg I have enabled and configured it
2012-10-01, 12:59 PM
nx01 Wrote:what exact build of xbmc should I be using with this plugin? on windows installed a frodo PVR version and all I get is the PVR client has not been started, even thouhg I have enabled and configured it For Windows, I would recommend using the Sept 25th Frodo Nightly version, it seems to be the most stable at the moment. You can download it here -> http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/win32/...mirrorlist
2012-10-01, 01:53 PM
My experience with other plugins is that it's sometimes troublesome to activate, in the live-tv section of xbmc there is a "reset database" option, I find that come handy when trying to get a plugin working. Alternative delete TV* database files.