How do you get the RSS ticker to work? I've got an item checked for the ticker in the config panel, but it doesn't show up on the screen. The regular RSS feeds work great, though.
GBPVR v0.94.12 - Windows MCE 2005 SP2
ASUS P4P800 Deluxe with P4 HT 2.6GHz + 1GB RAM
160GB & 250GB SATA 7200 RPM HDD's, 2 200GB ATA/133 7200 RPM HDD's
(2) WinTV PVR-150MCE's - (2) Media MVP HAU 1000's
Hi, I've just tried the plugin and I've to say it works nearly perfect now.
But there are two skinning issues i had problems with:
1. The plugin uses a fixed resolution of 720x480. Would be nice if you could instead use the resolution of the background. That would make it possible for me to correctly adjust my widescreen PAL (1024x576) skin.
2. Would it be possible to have a composit image for the selection too? But that is only minor imporant to me.
gblinckmann Wrote:How do you get the RSS ticker to work? I've got an item checked for the ticker in the config panel, but it doesn't show up on the screen. The regular RSS feeds work great, though.
You'll have to add a newspanel to the main menu skin. The readme.txt contains an example on how to this.
Heyt Wrote:1. The plugin uses a fixed resolution of 720x480. Would be nice if you could instead use the resolution of the background. That would make it possible for me to correctly adjust my widescreen PAL (1024x576) skin.
The 720x480 was already in the plugin when I picked it up. I even thought this was a hardcoded dimension for all gb-pvr screens. Any way I will change the plugin so it will determine the screen size from the background image. I just hope I don't break up anybody elses skins.
Heyt Wrote:2. Would it be possible to have a composit image for the selection too? But that is only minor imporant to me.
2005-03-26, 02:05 PM (This post was last modified: 2005-03-26, 02:28 PM by HenkH.)
I've just updated the plugin at the Wiki site. Heyt's requests are added and I also looked into reven's problem with the panel.
The latter implies some changes to panels\news.xml. Please check the appearance of the panel if you've modified the supplied files, or if you made your own versions.
3/26/2005 v.4.3
* Plugin derives it's dimensions from the background image (instead of hardcoded 720x480)
* Appearence of Selected feeds/items can be defined in skins (see blue skin for examples)
* Fixed vertical positioning of text in news-panel
2005-03-26, 07:31 PM (This post was last modified: 2005-03-26, 08:05 PM by Heyt.)
I've just tested the new version. And all the things you did seem to work perfectly.
But i've run into some new troubles:
1. Could you insert to more Composite Images for the selection. One for SelectedFeedNoFocus and one for SelectedItemNoFocus. At the moment the selection background just turns transparent and the text stays in the SelectedGeneralText-Color. As i use black text and my plugin-background is very dark you see nearly nothing. The new CompositeImages would be a great help there.
2. When you select an item and then show the full text the selection is reduced in height by one or two pixels for some reason. I hope you can fix that, it looks somehow strange to me. It also happens if you change focus between feed and item list. When an entry is changed from selected with focus to selected without focus the height is reduced.
Heyt Wrote:1. Could you insert to more Composite Images for the selection. One for SelectedFeedNoFocus and one for SelectedItemNoFocus. At the moment the selection background just turns transparent and the text stays in the SelectedGeneralText-Color. As i use black text and my plugin-background is very dark you see nearly nothing. The new CompositeImages would be a great help there.
I'll look into that. But why don't you define SelectedGeneralText to something similar as GeneralText? You can define other colors for the composite images (i.e. you can define your own custom TextStyles and use them in the composite images).
Quote:2. When you select an item and then show the full text the selection is reduced in height by one or two pixels for some reason. I hope you can fix that, it looks somehow strange to me. It also happens if you change focus between feed and item list. When an entry is changed from selected with focus to selected without focus the height is reduced.
Just make your composite images a few pixels lower. The plugin stacks all entries in a list using their 'natural' heights. For the entries in GeneralText or SelectedGeneralText this is the font-height, for your composite images it is the size you've specified as the height of the composite image.