Superstar - much appreciated :-)
So will that mean I don't have to delete the older icons, and clicking the button will pull the new ones and overwrite anything existing?
I've installed the update and clicked update logos, but nothing has happened?
I'm pretty sure when I did it before a box popped up and said about it's downloading icons in the background and they should be available in a minute or two, but after the update and the change... it doesn't do anything (and the icons don't appear to update, as they aren't matching what it showing in xteve).
It wont replace files you've already got there, since some people carefully manicure their channel icons, and I don't want to go deleting them. You'd need to manually delete them if you want them to be all downloaded. (I may change this in future, but that's what it's doing for now)
You should still get a message box. Just checked here and got it. Try a Ctrl-F5 first, to force the browser to reload the page. If that doesn't help, yes, post the logs after the attempt.
Yup, made sure that I had CTRL+F5'd first befmore mentioning it.
So I moved all the logos from "C:\Users\Public\NPVR-data\media\channels" in to another folder, restarted the service and clicked the download button.
No box popped up, so I waited about 30 seconds and then clicked to change page to save the logs.