2014-04-18, 05:05 PM
dinki Wrote:I'm confused. Sub says that it is probably a timeline issue from the broadcaster. Are you saying that my low powered devices (RPI and MX2) are the root problem? Also, can you look at the code I posted above and tell me what I'm doing wrong in my .bat file? I think I may be using the wrong variable (%1). Thanks.
I have files that don't sikip well at all on the RPi or my Pivos (AMLogic) that play on other platforms x86 Windows and Linux. The XBMC demux is sophisticated and samples and can handle negative or bad pts values pretty well. I am not saying sub is wrong though because you will have the best changed with indexed files.
As for the batch file a quick remux with tsremux probably wouldn't fix the kind of skip problems you are describing, you'd need to rewrite the timeline or remux to an indexed container. If it does than yeah it's most likey the RPI or Pivos.