2012-04-23, 11:39 AM
WG++Maker Wrote:Hi agerdin,
as tv.nu.ini is now configured, it grabs the starrating only from the index page. This is the one indicated with a number and text like 'bra' or 'minder bra' and not the IMDb starrating that is shown on the detail page. Because most epg data is on the indexpage it was decided not to link to the detail page. As a resukt, the grabbing is very fast but unfortunately it misses the IMDb starrating as a consequence.
I advice to use the latest version of the program V1.1.0. That allows to use a MDB postprocessor that automatically grabs IMDb data and inserts it in the xmltv output file. Apart from IMDb starrating it can add 'original title' 'plot' 'IMDBdescription' 'review' and 'viewer -comment'. All optional and configurable.
As example a possible listing of 'The perfect man' which I just grabbed with V1.1.0 , postprocessor enabled. As you can see it adds the IMDb starrating, but you can also just replace the tv.nu starrating with the IMDb starrating.
WG++Maker .. Jan
Hi Jan and thanks for your answer.
Trying the postprocessed file I cannot load it in UltraXMLTV enhancer. It says it cannot find any programs. The original file works fine and I cannot see any obvious differences.
Can you see any reason why one file works but not the other?