2006-09-18, 06:17 PM
I just installed GBPVR version 0.98.8. I have a PCIe x1 ATI theatre 550 pro installed and can't get livetv to work. The screen stays blank with no audio. Attached is the log file.Please help me to get this working.
14:09:45.286 INFO Log started
14:09:45.286 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
14:09:45.294 VERBOSE getSetting(ShowClosedCaptions)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(UseFFDSHOW)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(TvShape)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE 16:9 television
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(ForcedGraphTeardown)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalZoom)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE Horizontal Zoom: 1.050000
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalZoom)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE Vertical Zoom: 1.030000
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalOffset)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE Horizontal Offset: 0
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalOffset)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE Vertical Offset: 0
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(LiveTVPrePlayDelay)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE MinimumFilePlaySize=200000
14:09:45.334 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerVMR9Custom() initialising...
14:09:45.334 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
14:09:52.337 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording(1, 1, 3, 0)
14:09:52.338 VERBOSE target filename:
14:09:52.338 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
14:09:52.356 VERBOSE Capture Device is based on BlackBird architecture
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE Capture Device is using Conexant (derived) drivers
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE Loading filter names
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE Found names:
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog Xbar
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog Capture
14:09:52.358 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog Tuner
14:09:52.358 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio
14:09:52.390 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Analog Audio' to 'TVAudio In'
14:09:52.416 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Audio Decoder Out' to 'ATI Analog Audio Input'
14:09:52.422 VERBOSE Looking for encoder filter
14:09:52.425 VERBOSE - ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer
14:09:52.428 VERBOSE GetMedium(pCapturePin) returns: {8CAEADDB-7C6C-469B-B70C-3081FD0A8554}-00000064-00000000
14:09:52.428 VERBOSE getSetting(AutoDetectEncoderMethod)
14:09:52.429 VERBOSE About try all encoders until we find one that works...
14:09:52.429 VERBOSE ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer
14:09:52.431 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer
14:09:52.450 VERBOSE using instance: 1
14:09:52.452 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
14:09:52.485 VERBOSE put_Mode(AMTUNER_MODE_TV)
14:09:52.486 VERBOSE put_CountryCode(1)
14:09:52.487 VERBOSE put_TuningSpace(1)
14:09:52.487 VERBOSE put_InputType(0, 0)
14:09:52.487 VERBOSE put_ConnectInput(0)
14:09:53.634 VERBOSE get_VideoFrequency() returns 60000000
14:09:53.634 VERBOSE get_CountryCode() returns 1
14:09:53.677 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::SetConfigurationDefault()
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE About to set BITRATE MODE
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE requesting variable encoding
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE About to set BITRATE
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE device minimum bitrate: 2000000
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE device maximum bitrate: 9000000
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE device bitrate step size: 1000000
14:09:53.679 VERBOSE trying to request bitrate: 6000000
14:09:53.778 VERBOSE device confirms bitrate as: 6000000
14:09:53.778 VERBOSE About to set PEAK BITRATE
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE device minimum peak bitrate: 4000000
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE device maximum peak bitrate: 15000000
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE device peak bitrate step size: 1000000
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE trying to request peak bitrate: 9000000
14:09:54.074 VERBOSE device confirms bitrate as: 9000000
14:09:54.075 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - Encoder
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - Capture
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - ATI AVStream Analog Xbar
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - TV Audio
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
14:09:54.166 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording() done
14:09:54.180 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream(pGB, 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Video Pin', 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Audio Pin', hwnd)
14:09:54.181 VERBOSE getSetting(TvShape)
14:09:54.181 VERBOSE 16:9 television
14:09:54.226 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomUseFullscreenExclusive)
14:09:54.270 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioRenderer)
14:09:54.332 VERBOSE audio renderer filter: DirectSound: Speakers (Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit)
14:09:54.333 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredDecoder)
14:09:54.380 VERBOSE video decoder filter: CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD7)
14:09:54.380 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
14:09:54.393 VERBOSE audio decoder filter: MPEG Audio Decoder
14:09:54.393 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
14:09:54.416 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: Encoder pass-through
14:09:54.510 VERBOSE CPlaneScene::ForceClear()
14:09:54.559 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
14:09:54.559 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - DirectSound: Speakers (Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit)
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - Video Renderer
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - Encoder
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - MPEG Audio Decoder
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD7)
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - Capture
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - ATI AVStream Analog Xbar
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - TV Audio
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
14:09:54.720 VERBOSE setSourceAspectRatio() using autoAspectRatio
14:09:54.720 VERBOSE video resolution is 720 x 480
14:09:54.720 VERBOSE unknown source aspect ratio...showing full frame
14:09:54.721 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalZoom)
14:09:54.721 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalZoom)
14:09:54.735 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream() done
14:09:56.173 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:56.277 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:56.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:57.298 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:58.295 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:59.296 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:08.806 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:09.307 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:10.307 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:11.310 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:12.307 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:15.328 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:16.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:17.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:18.330 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:19.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:30.183 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:30.628 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:31.305 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:32.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:33.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:34.206 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
14:10:34.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:35.831 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:35.851 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:35.869 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:36.295 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:37.309 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:38.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:39.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:42.906 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:43.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:44.313 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:45.304 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:46.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:47.069 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
14:10:47.296 VERBOSE NativeUtilities::MediaHelper:top()
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@2 (skipping window positioning)
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@3
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@4
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@5
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@6
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@7
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@8
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top finished
14:10:47.305 VERBOSE rect@3: 240,255,991,766
14:10:47.305 VERBOSE rect@4: 240,255,991,766
14:10:47.308 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StopRecording()
14:10:47.316 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder:one()
14:10:51.355 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top
14:10:51.355 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top finished
I just installed GBPVR version 0.98.8. I have a PCIe x1 ATI theatre 550 pro installed and can't get livetv to work. The screen stays blank with no audio. Attached is the log file.Please help me to get this working.
14:09:45.286 INFO Log started
14:09:45.286 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
14:09:45.294 VERBOSE getSetting(ShowClosedCaptions)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(UseFFDSHOW)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(TvShape)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE 16:9 television
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(ForcedGraphTeardown)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalZoom)
14:09:45.295 VERBOSE Horizontal Zoom: 1.050000
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalZoom)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE Vertical Zoom: 1.030000
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalOffset)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE Horizontal Offset: 0
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalOffset)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE Vertical Offset: 0
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(LiveTVPrePlayDelay)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
14:09:45.296 VERBOSE MinimumFilePlaySize=200000
14:09:45.334 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerVMR9Custom() initialising...
14:09:45.334 VERBOSE getSetting(OSDTransparency)
14:09:52.337 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording(1, 1, 3, 0)
14:09:52.338 VERBOSE target filename:
14:09:52.338 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
14:09:52.356 VERBOSE Capture Device is based on BlackBird architecture
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE Capture Device is using Conexant (derived) drivers
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE Loading filter names
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE Found names:
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog Xbar
14:09:52.357 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog Capture
14:09:52.358 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog Tuner
14:09:52.358 VERBOSE ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio
14:09:52.390 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Analog Audio' to 'TVAudio In'
14:09:52.416 VERBOSE ConnectPins: 'Audio Decoder Out' to 'ATI Analog Audio Input'
14:09:52.422 VERBOSE Looking for encoder filter
14:09:52.425 VERBOSE - ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer
14:09:52.428 VERBOSE GetMedium(pCapturePin) returns: {8CAEADDB-7C6C-469B-B70C-3081FD0A8554}-00000064-00000000
14:09:52.428 VERBOSE getSetting(AutoDetectEncoderMethod)
14:09:52.429 VERBOSE About try all encoders until we find one that works...
14:09:52.429 VERBOSE ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer
14:09:52.431 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer
14:09:52.450 VERBOSE using instance: 1
14:09:52.452 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
14:09:52.485 VERBOSE put_Mode(AMTUNER_MODE_TV)
14:09:52.486 VERBOSE put_CountryCode(1)
14:09:52.487 VERBOSE put_TuningSpace(1)
14:09:52.487 VERBOSE put_InputType(0, 0)
14:09:52.487 VERBOSE put_ConnectInput(0)
14:09:53.634 VERBOSE get_VideoFrequency() returns 60000000
14:09:53.634 VERBOSE get_CountryCode() returns 1
14:09:53.677 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::SetConfigurationDefault()
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE About to set BITRATE MODE
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE requesting variable encoding
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE About to set BITRATE
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE device minimum bitrate: 2000000
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE device maximum bitrate: 9000000
14:09:53.678 VERBOSE device bitrate step size: 1000000
14:09:53.679 VERBOSE trying to request bitrate: 6000000
14:09:53.778 VERBOSE device confirms bitrate as: 6000000
14:09:53.778 VERBOSE About to set PEAK BITRATE
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE device minimum peak bitrate: 4000000
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE device maximum peak bitrate: 15000000
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE device peak bitrate step size: 1000000
14:09:53.779 VERBOSE trying to request peak bitrate: 9000000
14:09:54.074 VERBOSE device confirms bitrate as: 9000000
14:09:54.075 VERBOSE getSetting(EnableTeleText)
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - Encoder
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - Capture
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - ATI AVStream Analog Xbar
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - TV Audio
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
14:09:54.078 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
14:09:54.166 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StartRecording() done
14:09:54.180 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream(pGB, 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Video Pin', 'MPEG-2 Demultiplexer', 'Audio Pin', hwnd)
14:09:54.181 VERBOSE getSetting(TvShape)
14:09:54.181 VERBOSE 16:9 television
14:09:54.226 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomUseFullscreenExclusive)
14:09:54.270 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioRenderer)
14:09:54.332 VERBOSE audio renderer filter: DirectSound: Speakers (Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit)
14:09:54.333 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredDecoder)
14:09:54.380 VERBOSE video decoder filter: CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD7)
14:09:54.380 VERBOSE getSetting(PreferredAudioDecoder)
14:09:54.393 VERBOSE audio decoder filter: MPEG Audio Decoder
14:09:54.393 VERBOSE getSetting(DeinterlaceMethod)
14:09:54.416 VERBOSE FindFilterByName failed to locate filter: Encoder pass-through
14:09:54.510 VERBOSE CPlaneScene::ForceClear()
14:09:54.559 VERBOSE getSetting(ListGraphFilters)
14:09:54.559 VERBOSE Graph contains the following filters:
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - DirectSound: Speakers (Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit)
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - Video Renderer
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - Encoder
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - MPEG Audio Decoder
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD7)
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - Capture
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - ATI AVStream Analog Xbar
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - TV Audio
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE - TV Tuner
14:09:54.561 VERBOSE getSetting(SaveGraphFiles)
14:09:54.720 VERBOSE setSourceAspectRatio() using autoAspectRatio
14:09:54.720 VERBOSE video resolution is 720 x 480
14:09:54.720 VERBOSE unknown source aspect ratio...showing full frame
14:09:54.721 VERBOSE getSetting(HorizontalZoom)
14:09:54.721 VERBOSE getSetting(VerticalZoom)
14:09:54.735 INFO DirectShowPlayerBase::playLiveStream() done
14:09:56.173 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:56.277 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:56.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:57.298 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:58.295 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:09:59.296 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:08.806 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:09.307 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:10.307 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:11.310 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:12.307 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:15.328 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:16.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:17.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:18.330 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:19.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:30.183 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:30.628 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:31.305 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:32.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:33.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:34.206 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
14:10:34.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:35.831 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:35.851 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:35.869 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:36.295 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:37.309 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:38.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:39.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:42.906 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:43.308 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:44.313 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:45.304 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:46.306 VERBOSE Forcing VMR9Custom update
14:10:47.069 VERBOSE getSetting(VMR9CustomAllocatorRenderer)
14:10:47.296 VERBOSE NativeUtilities::MediaHelper:top()
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@2 (skipping window positioning)
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@3
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@4
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@5
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@6
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@7
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top@8
14:10:47.303 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top finished
14:10:47.305 VERBOSE rect@3: 240,255,991,766
14:10:47.305 VERBOSE rect@4: 240,255,991,766
14:10:47.308 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder::StopRecording()
14:10:47.316 VERBOSE ConexantRecorder:one()
14:10:51.355 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top
14:10:51.355 VERBOSE DirectShowPlayerBase:top finished