2007-02-13, 04:39 AM
I am having problems getting my PostProcessing.bat file to run when I record mutiple programs that end at the same time. It runs on which ever one actually stoped first then on the next recording starts on next available call. Here is my file if it helps.
@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr"
if "%2" == "101" goto eof
if "%2" == "102" goto eof
CALL comskip %1 > comskip.log
CALL comclean %1
CALL retime %1
DEL "%~dpn1_original.mpg"
DEL "%~dpn1.log"
DEL "%~dpn1.txt"
CALL RenameRecording.exe -t %1
@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\devnz\gbpvr"
if "%2" == "101" goto eof
if "%2" == "102" goto eof
CALL comskip %1 > comskip.log
CALL comclean %1
CALL retime %1
DEL "%~dpn1_original.mpg"
DEL "%~dpn1.log"
DEL "%~dpn1.txt"
CALL RenameRecording.exe -t %1