found a quick fix for cdrom audio playing from actual cdroms...[not mp3s]
From the guy at Media Player Classic...
allows skipping and everything...[in video library at least]
1. download cdda reader ds filter[above],extract, run regsvr32
2. add cdrom drive root to music library in config.exe
and viola! cdrom plays from music library, with timeline and skipability...
same can be done for video library, you have to add the extension in config.xml <VideoLibraryExtensions> tho..
in video library i can skip,see timeline etc. but not so far in music library..hmm..
From the guy at Media Player Classic...
allows skipping and everything...[in video library at least]
1. download cdda reader ds filter[above],extract, run regsvr32
2. add cdrom drive root to music library in config.exe
and viola! cdrom plays from music library, with timeline and skipability...
same can be done for video library, you have to add the extension in config.xml <VideoLibraryExtensions> tho..
in video library i can skip,see timeline etc. but not so far in music library..hmm..
Hardware: HDHR Prime, HDPVR 1212, Raspberry pi2, VFD display w/LCDSmartie