2008-06-06, 12:28 PM
mvallevand Wrote:Really to keep this on topic, since the PCH plays the files that the HD PVR creates and the MVP doesn't I'm not sure the lack of com skip is even valid even assuming you have found a good simple com skip file for the HD PVR captures.
Has anyone else tried playing back an SD capture from the HD PVR on the PCH? When I did this I found that the aspect ratio wasn't maintained... the recording was stretched out to fill the entire screen, and since it was an SD broadcast on an HD TV, everyone looked fat. Not good.
I've not yet had time to fully investigate but I suspect that the recording does not have the correct aspect ratio... maybe the display aspect ratio? SD captures from my other cards playback fine on the PCH, so it's not a PCH problem, though I wish it allowed more configurability of the aspect ratio during playback like VMR on a PC does.
I hope to have more time to play this weekend.