I have been devloping a BBC iPlayer plugin for personal use for a few months and I am interested in gauging whether other people would use it.
The plugin at the moment does the following:
- Allows searching of strings on the BBC IPlayer Website and retrieves the results
- You can select a show and download it from the iPlayer website
- Will take the resulting MP4 file and transcode it to mpg2 for use in GBPVR
- The recording will be added to the GBPVR database as a normal recording that can be played as normal
There are a few things that might put people off, recordings should be deleted after 30 days, as the plugin should not be used to avoid DRM.
The quality is OK but not as good as MPEG2 DVB due to the MP4's low bit rate.
Just getting a feel for whether there is enough interest to make a released plugin.
The plugin at the moment does the following:
- Allows searching of strings on the BBC IPlayer Website and retrieves the results
- You can select a show and download it from the iPlayer website
- Will take the resulting MP4 file and transcode it to mpg2 for use in GBPVR
- The recording will be added to the GBPVR database as a normal recording that can be played as normal
There are a few things that might put people off, recordings should be deleted after 30 days, as the plugin should not be used to avoid DRM.
The quality is OK but not as good as MPEG2 DVB due to the MP4's low bit rate.
Just getting a feel for whether there is enough interest to make a released plugin.