2009-03-20, 10:38 PM
sub Wrote:Generally with a Hauppauge card its as simple as you suggest, ie if you can a channels with WinTV, you'll also get the channels with GB-PVR.
I can only go on the info in your logs, and it has no sign of any errors in the logs, and everything appears to be working correctly, but the device never manages to lock any signal. The only possible reasons I can think of is your cable was connected correctly when you scanned in WinTV, but isnt when you tried GB-PVR, or its scanning the wrong frequencies. No that you'v fixed the 'GBPVR Psi Parser' filter not registered problem, it'd be good if you could retry the original QAM.ini that ships with GB-PVR rather than those generated by the QAM manager utility.
If that doesnt work, you can either bring your PC around to my house to take a look (I'm in New Zealand), or if you've got VNC I could remote in and take a look for you.
if it wouldnt be any trouble, i wouldnt mind trying the VNC method..