2009-10-11, 05:39 PM
Hey guys,
I've been using GB-PVR for a while, and have always had great success with analog 480i using a combo of comskip / comclean. I've got a HDHomeRun (Mpeg2) and a HD-PVR (h264) in my system, and haven't been able to get comskip / comclean working with those 1080i .ts files. I know to get comclean support with h264, you have to make a donation, and I will once I get it working with standard HD mpeg2 1080i .ts files.
I know I'm not passing the .ts file name through to comclean3.bat, but not sure how do to that. Anyone have any tips or corrections to get it working with .ts files?
I've been using GB-PVR for a while, and have always had great success with analog 480i using a combo of comskip / comclean. I've got a HDHomeRun (Mpeg2) and a HD-PVR (h264) in my system, and haven't been able to get comskip / comclean working with those 1080i .ts files. I know to get comclean support with h264, you have to make a donation, and I will once I get it working with standard HD mpeg2 1080i .ts files.
I know I'm not passing the .ts file name through to comclean3.bat, but not sure how do to that. Anyone have any tips or corrections to get it working with .ts files?
@echo off
echo Postprocessing.bat invoked on %1 recorded from channel %2 >>postprocessing.log
comskip %1
call Comclean3 %1 >>Comclean.log 2>>Comclean.err
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.info" DEL"%~dpn1.info"
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.txt" DEL "%~dpn1.txt"
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.log" DEL "%~dpn1.log"
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.edl" DEL "%~dpn1.edl"
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.logo.txt" DEL "%~dpn1.logo.txt"
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.mpg" goto mpg
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.ts" goto ts
echo %1 is an MPG File >>postprocessing.log
IF EXIST "%~dpn1_clean.mpg" del "%~dpn1.mpg"
IF NOT EXIST "%~dpn1.mpg" MOVE "%~dpn1_clean.mpg" "%~dpn1.mpg"
goto continue
echo %1 is an TS File >>postprocessing.log
IF EXIST "%~dpn1_clean.ts" del "%~dpn1.ts"
IF NOT EXIST "%~dpn1.ts" MOVE "%~dpn1_clean.ts" "%~dpn1.ts"
goto continue
WizRenameRecording "%~f1" "{show}{[ - ]}{episode}{[ - ]}{month}{[-]}{day}{[-]}{yearShort}"
"C:\Program Files\Devnz\GBPVR\me\MPlayer-1.0rc2\mencoder.exe" "%~dpn1.mpg" -edl "%~dpn1.edl" -oac copy -ovc copy -of mpeg -o "%~dpn1_clean.mpg"