2011-02-02, 11:48 PM
BigMoose Wrote:Numbering channels in Digiguide the same as I have them in npvr and removing the updateEPG.bat, manually running XMLTVGUI and then updating the EPG in npvr seems to work! The wife wanted to watch telly so I haven't 100% confirmed that my updateEPG.bat is still causing problems. I think numbering the channels in digiguide has solved my overlapping guide info. But not sure the updateEPG.bat is working propperly. I have proved that clicking "update EPG" does call the batch file though. Can anyone who uses digiguide via XMLTVGUI and the updateEPG.bat please post their updateEPG.bat file in case I've done something stupid?
Glad it seems to be working, I think the channel numbering conflicts was the problem. Hopefully someone will come along with a batch! I'm a bit rubbish on .bats so I just call the updates through scheduled tasks....