2013-01-23, 06:48 PM
ElihuRozen Wrote:If you look in your NPVR data directory, you'll see files recording-backup.xml, recording-backup.xml.1 and recording-backup.xml.2. See if the recordings are listed in one of those. If so, copy the file and make sure the copy has the .xml extension. Edit the copy and remove any recordings already in your database or that you have deleted the recording itself. (This assumes you are familiar with editing XML. If not, you can probably post it here with the list of recordings you need added & someone will edit it for you.) Start NPVR and go to the Recording tab in Settings. Click on Import Recordings and select your new .xml file.
If your recordings are not in one of the files above, you can probably figure out the format and create the entries yourself.
Thank you, i found the backup file that contained the missing shows. Now all i have left is the X-NEWA Recurring Recordings Saying unable to connect to server...everything other menu works.