2013-02-23, 03:07 AM
mvallevand Wrote:No I meant think I have more hangs that are not related to it going to non-slip file mode. Going into non-slip mode happens after a hang.It shouldn't ever be going to non-slip mode when watching live tv though, so we need to work out why this is happening. Being in non-slip mode is going to break other stuff like skipping in live tv etc, so we need to understand what is happening.
For a bit of background... When you start live tv, the recording service creates some shared memory and a mutex (with names derived from a hashed live tv buffer filename) . When you stop live tv or change channel, this original memory and mutex is supposed to be freed up.
When you tried viewing live tv, it tries to open the mutex and shared memory. For some reason this part seems to fail.
If you could try reproducing this non-rolling file, with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\npvr\LogTSWriter=1, then hopefully the c:\temp\writer-x.txt files might contain some errors like 'CreateFileMapping failed' or 'CreateMutex failed' etc.