I tested this morning within Kodi. The same applies as the previous test results. 5 files. The first one appears with a name followed by a number (lets use the #4 for this example). something like live-FOX44-7320-4 and that will be the only file for a while. Then another will appear like live-FOX44-7320-4-2, then after a bit live-FOX44-7320-4-3, then live-FOX44-7320-4-4, then finally after a bit live-FOX44-7320-4-5. Some time will go by and the very first file ,live-FOX44-7320-4, never changes but the ones with the additional # endings start becomming replaced. eg, first live-FOX44-7320-4-2 gets replaced with live-FOX44-7320-4-6, then live-FOX44-7320-4-3 changes to live-FOX44-7320-4-7 after a whiile and so on but the original file,live-FOX44-7320-4, stays in place. Every once in a while a 6th file will appear with the next number in line but will quickly disappear once one of the other 4 "replacing files" gets overwritten. I've been changing channels and stopping and restarting the live TV and haven't gotten a blacked out screen or a frozen live TV at all today. The files in the temp folder have not piled up at all today either. The only other test im trying is that I think the screen blacked out, and maybe the file issue starts, not sure) after several hours of the live TV running unattended. I have it going now and will report back in a few hours.
I have an update!!!. My screen blacked out today. I don't know if this is unrelated but last night I left the live TV running in Kodi and turned off the TV and didn't watch it all day today. I turned it on about 6:30 PM and it was a black screen. Sometimes I can hit stop and it will lag a lot and slowly let me get back to the guide and when I click a channel it will completely lock up and I have to End Task and other times I can't even get back to the menu. The black screen just stays and I can't do anything. So I was getting ready to End the task like normal but this time I CTRL+Alt+Del to bring up task manager and minimize the Kodi window and Opened my temp folder to take a look. There was a file in there and the last modified date was 5:36 PM. There were 4 other files in there too but not with the same channel name as the rogue file. They looked like the files I see all the other times. I'm just guessing 5:36 is probably when it froze up? So instead of Ending task, I just deleted that file that didn't look like the others. I went back to Kodi and hit stop and the menu came up fine and I clicked a channel and it went right to it this time. Looking back at the folder, the 4 files disappeared like they should and a new file was in there for the channel I just changed to. Does that help at all?
Same here. Seemed like it went away for a bit and now its back for blood. I record Jeopardy every day at 3:30 and some of the times now when I turn on Kodi at 6pm it shows it's still recording at the top of the screen and shows that I lost connection to the PVR at the bottom of the screen. I saw today that the recording was in there despite seeing those issues I just mentioned and when I played the recording it played for a minute then skipped to 8 min in and the timer kept looping and it was all jacked up. So I exited Kodi and went to watch it straight from NextPVR and it was messed up the same in there too.
Quote:I saw today that the recording was in there despite seeing those issues I just mentioned and when I played the recording it played for a minute then skipped to 8 min in and the timer kept looping and it was all jacked up. So I exited Kodi and went to watch it straight from NextPVR and it was messed up the same in there too.
What exactly happens when you play the recording in NextPVR? If it races through, and you only see bits of it, you may have reception problems, and not receiving all the data. If that's the case, I'd expect odd behaviour of that recording in NextPVR and Kodi etc.
Might be checking how much you see of that file with another player like VLC.
Sorry for the slow responses. I've been busy working on the next release. I also find it hard looking at kodi stuff, because often the problems are in kodi and out of my control.
No problem Sub as far as im concerned its minor..... Keep on doin what you are doin! I am looking forward to the next release. Love what you are doing!
I was going to change mine to time based so I could see if it stopped my issues too and I just checked the setting and it's already on Time Based. Any other suggestions?