2005-08-20, 06:21 PM
Hi all,
In good time, with wonderful help from you people, my second tuner is working flawlessly now.
A lot of thanks to csy for sharing his insights into the problems of the TUL Threater 550 tuning (e.g. must use channel numbers because manual frequencies don't work well for sound, and the other things like direct.ini force-standard, etc).
A big round of thanks to sub (of course) for suggesting ffdshow as a culprit in the Tuning Assistant. And of course for giving us this program in the first place .
And anyone else who helped too. Thanks,
In good time, with wonderful help from you people, my second tuner is working flawlessly now.
A lot of thanks to csy for sharing his insights into the problems of the TUL Threater 550 tuning (e.g. must use channel numbers because manual frequencies don't work well for sound, and the other things like direct.ini force-standard, etc).
A big round of thanks to sub (of course) for suggesting ffdshow as a culprit in the Tuning Assistant. And of course for giving us this program in the first place .
And anyone else who helped too. Thanks,
AMD64 3000+, MSI-Neo4F, 1GB, 1.5TB WD-SATA, PVR350+150 34btn remote, ATI 2460HD TVOut, 1.4.7: VMR9fse, CS3 skin